
Monday, February 20, 2023

Damn, talk about having a bad Monday...



  1. Wow. The dumbfuck blew his own foot off.

  2. We’ll, those toes will never steal again!

    1. When he bends over to check his foot you can see that the back of his shirt claims that he is "Security." Which is likely why people did not start running out of the store fearing a robbery. Some professionals are not that professional.

  3. Guess he will have to start buying two pairs of shoes at a time - one of em several sizes smaller than the other.

  4. he doesn't seem to be too worried about it.

  5. When I think that their level of sheer dumbfuckery has reached a new level, there's always one more who sez, "I can beat that!"
    There's bound to be a video somewhere where one is looking down the barrel of a long gun or pistol & touches off the trigger.

    1. There is, I can't find it now, but I've seen one of a turban wearing insurgent type trying to clear his AK and puts a round through his skull, he probably never heard the bang.

  6. So, we will pay for that stupid fuck to be on disability for the rest of his life.

  7. Some of the trap shooters at my club invariably put the muzzle of the shotgun on their foot when loading a new shell. I don't shoot trap, but it looks weird to me.

    1. I saw one of my brothers loading his 30.06 autoloader doing the same thing a couple years back getting ready to go deer hunting one morning in the dark. He put the muzzle on the front of his boot, right over where his big toe would be, loads the mag into the rifle, then jacks a round into the chamber while the muzzle is still on his boot/toe. I almost shit myself, then screamed at him for a couple minutes about what a freakin dumbass he is.

      Luckily he took my berating to heart, I think. I never saw him do it again at camp.

      I hate to identify myself as being even loosely related to this dumbassery.


  8. Actually - yes - he will get disability for the rest of his life. He's wearing a "Security" T-shirt. That makes this a valid Worker's Compensation claim. Of course it's his fault, but since it happened "in the performance of his duties" he'll get paid.

  9. That iooks 3rd worldish to me. I wouldn't bet on Workman's Comp. Probably a raaayyyycisss shot gun.

  10. I worked with a guy who put a .22 round into his foot while fiddling with a .22 automatic in his pocket. He was in line to pay at a Shoney's (RIP) so I guess the cops were called. I don't remember the fallout from this but he was dumb as a rock even before.

  11. This is the sort of gentleman California wants to pay five million dollars to as compensation for something he never experienced.

  12. Was in a Group of 1200 security types with the odd ND but we didn't start seeing deaths from it until we formed active duty components to do the same job. Then we were averaging about 3/month and the number of negligent discharges went from one or two a year to 3 or 5 a month.

  13. I’ve known two people personally who have done that. The first one with a 12 gauge, and the second one with a 30-30

  14. And I thought he was shaking a turd out of his pants!

  15. 17 comments and not a single mention of Lee Paige.
    You guys have no respect for the only one qualified to handle a firearm.


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