
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Did he not see the Gun Free Zone signs?

EAST LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2) - A mass shooting at Michigan State University turned a routine Monday night into a "nightmare" after three people were killed, and several others were transported to the hospital with unknown injuries.


I can't wait to see how the gun-grabbers are going to spin this one. From the grainy photos I've seen, the gunman appears to be a black dude, and the article says he was using a handgun.
Of course it was probably one of those super deadly 'assault handguns' shooting a 9mm cartridge that will rip the lungs clean out of whoever it hits.


  1. NY Post says he’s a black dude.

    1. Meaning this story will disappear 3, 2. 1 and be relegated to the same black hole as the hundreds of the annual Chicago gun killings.

  2. Has anybody ever done one of these things with a 1911? In .45 ACP, is there anything else?

    1. Nope, the .45acp won't rip your lungs out but if you hit them in the thumb it knocks them down don't you see.

    2. No because the guns are stolen and 1911 owners care more about their gun than to leave it in their car unlocked.
      Steve S6

    3. 1911 configuration is available in many calibers, .22, .38, .40, .460, .50, 9mm, 10mm, 9x23 Winchester and a few others.

    4. 1911s in .38 Super are also acceptable.

  3. Its crazy, they argue fewer guns would prevent this, but don't offer how. Criminals will still get guns to commit crimes with, even if you take mine away.
    If you make it mandatory that everybody has a gun on them at all times, would this person still have committed this crime? More guns, not less.

  4. "His actions were the result of years of systemic racism by wypippo." How's that?
    - WDS

  5. Oh No! Wrong paint job. Nothing to see here, move along now!

  6. Aaaand
    He's black.

  7. Gretchen will take full advantage of this.

  8. Does fit the narrative. This will be memory-holed by tomorrow.

  9. Another shooting by a leftist jogger....

  10. The shooter was black so the story has been buried.

  11. I saw it on the news this morning, definitely a black man. No mention on the race of who he killed, as of yet. Dollars to doughnuts this story will be keyholed before the end of the week.

  12. Of course the Left/progressives will call for more gun control. At the State of the Union address, Biden had the guy who stopped the Chinese shooter, who had a handgun, “This is why we must ban AR15s!” I shit you not.

  13. most of the time they tend to use Glocks. they are cheaper to get.
    back in the late 1990's I bought a Colt gold cup from a friend. the dealer doing the transfer asked if I was going to take it home. at that time there was a 7 day waiting time. when I asked him what about the wait, he told me no one robs a store with a 800 dollar handgun.
    besides he knew I had more at home.

  14. You're talking about my alma mater. They just announced some sort of $40 million equity oasis for the pock contingent. Too bad he couldn't hold on for it.

  15. It's a good thing he wasn't using an AR. He would have split those kids in two if he had. /sarc

  16. The Loony Left doesn't use logic, so believe me when I say they will find a way to spin it and blame institutional racism, white supremacy, cis white males ... blah, blah, blah. You know they will, and they'll use such incoherent arguments that no one knows how to begin to refute them.

  17. Governor Wretched Witless has already come out with the standard gun banner bull shit.

  18. Short, Fat & Slow never fails to carry the mail.

  19. Considering that two of the black guys victims were white I expect this story to disappear in 3, 2....

  20. Good think it wasn't an AR-15. I read yesterday where some retired Marine general said that a single round of this killer caliber will "cut a body completely in two".


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