
Friday, February 10, 2023

Gov. Lee proposes three-month grocery tax holiday for Tennessee

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — In his "State of the State" address Monday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced his desire to have three months of tax free groceries in 2023.


  1. Too bad Lee doesn’t have the balls to do away with tax on groceries completely. Florida doesn’t tax edible foodstuffs - makes a big difference.

    1. Does Florida have a State income tax? Tennessee doesn't. Gotta bring in those tax dollars somehow.

    2. Florida has a sales tax; I don't believe it has a state income tax for individuals.

    3. No income tax at all. Sales tax, capped out at max of 7% including county taxes, property tax, gas tax, tourist area tax, but no income tax.

      Unprepared foods - ingredients - aren't taxed. Prepared foods are.

    4. No state income tax for FL.

    5. There are nine states that have no state income tax: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire (doesn’t tax earned wages, but does tax investment earnings), South Dakota, Tennessee (as of this year, will no longer tax investment earnings), Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

      Florida has state sales tax of 6%, and allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 1.5%. There are a total of 362 local tax jurisdictions across the state, collecting an average local tax of 1.058%.

      Combined with the state sales tax, the highest sales tax rate in Florida is 7.5% in the cities of Jacksonville, Tampa, Tallahassee, Gainesville and Tampa (and 93 other cities).

  2. Nice but taxes on food should never happen.

  3. Georgia has suspended its gasoline/diesel tax for well over 6 months.

  4. Tennessee's had a GOP Supermajority for fourteen years and hasn't done jack shit with it.

    1. What are YOU doing about it?

      My district rep had been in office 14 years. His offices - local and Wash DC - had been part of my decades long letter writing campaign. Even though he had an A rating from the NRA, he needed to go.

      He had announced that he'd be running for re-election. I advised his office that I will be mounting an effort to get people to not vote for him. I made it clear it was up to him, that I would back off if he would just be honest on certain key subjects. No response.

      I regularly informed his office that I have 5, then 17, now 25, now over one hundred voters who promise not to vote for him. And they're all conservatives registered as Rs.

      Whattya know, he announced hes not seeking re-election. I like to think little ol me had something to do with that. The truth is I don't know.

      What I do know is most of them are milquetoast with a jellyfish handshake. They are scared little mice. Scared of The People.

      But as long as the voters believe the mask those jellyfish hide behind, then the squirms have nothing to worry about. But they do worry because public sentiment is fickle and can change in a heartbeat.

      So, what are YOU doing about that which you find intolerable? A written letter takes only a few minutes of your time. But because so few people bother to write, one angry letter is perceived as equal to 40,000 to 70,000 angry letters.

      The more experienced politician is not so easily swayed. They've feathered their nest quite well and insulated themselves from the dirt people But they too can fall. You just have to keep at it. But you first have to write that first letter. Then repeat.

    Especially the espoused 2A supporters.
    Steve S6

  6. Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly wanted to put an immediate end to sales tax on food last year. 'publicans were having none of it because she might get credit for it in the minds of the voters. Gov. Kelly still wants to put an immediate end to sales tax on food. 'publicans want to wait till 2025.

  7. Florida has no sales tax on groceries....

  8. My real vine to lick is real estate taxes. You NEVER own your home. Mine went up 33% this year. My kids went from $4k to $7k. This is in Ohio. There has to be a better way


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