
Monday, February 20, 2023

Gun law reform questions raised anew in wake of Michigan State mass shooting tragedy

FOX 2 (WJBK) - "I shouldn’t have to go to school and live in fear," said Andrew Peabody, Michigan State University student. 

MSU students stood alongside lawmakers and other people looking for change, rallying at the State Capitol Wednesday.


  1. So the answer to failing to prosecute existing gun laws is to enact stricter (feel good) laws that will also be bargaining tools, selectively enforced or otherwise ignored by lazy/woke political prosecutors?
    He had a felony possession charge dropped in favor of easier plea for misdemeanor improper transport. If he had been properly charged and sentenced, he would have been in prison that night.

    1. Gun laws for thee, not for me, quote the Raven.
      The only reason to continue to release and let animals like that back out on the streets is in the expectation that they will commit more gun crimes, bad ones hopefully. And those incidents will be used to press for laws that disarm the law abiding.

      The same scenario is played out time and again, in every urban area.
      This time it was set up by a Soros DA (since retired). But every Democrat DA has the same play book.

  2. WTF ? I learned how to knife fight before high school. and every day you had to be on guard
    of gang fights starting for whatever reason. and that was standard for most schools in philly
    back then. 68-72. if you didn't learn how to fight by 6-7th grade, you got your ass beat.
    they even taught boxing in both grade school and high school back then
    what a bunch of pussies today.
    and people wonder why I am teaching my grandson the "stuff " I am.
    it is something better to know than not know how.
    the daughter in law does not want me to teach him how to make things go boom yet, not sure why though ? pretty good with both rifle and handgun, he can get better though
    we see how he does this summer. I only get him for 2 weeks a year.

  3. Want change?
    Demand they abolish the "Gun-Free Zone" that makes school campuses an attractive target.
    Demand that students and staff that have a carry permit be encouraged, not prohibited, from carrying on school grounds.
    Demand that the administration support a campaign to return to guaranteed 'No Plea' jail time for gun crimes.

    That is if you actually want intelligent change for a change.

  4. Yeah, Its fascinating. Decades of enacting gun control measures and things are getting worse, so their reaction is more if what hasn't worked so far?

  5. I live in Michigan, and saw this coming after the mid term elections, when our government went fully Democrat. The Empress of Lansing, Gretchen Whitless, promised to pass gun laws. With a cooperative legislature behind her, it is pretty much a shoe in.
    The latest batch of shootings often are dug up from the news feed by reporters looking for anything they can find to support more gun laws. Normally the number of gun shootings reported would not be this large. But when the sharks smell blood in the water, they tend to gather together.
    Now that gun haters have the ball, and seem to be running with it, their fans, the media, will do whatever they can to help them score. Time will tell if the referees, the Supreme Court, will blow the whistle and make them stop the BS.

  6. Blaming guns for crime blinds them to any possible solutions.


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