
Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor Discusses Status of Ukraine War and Background of Biden Sending Abram M-1 Tanks

Col. Doug MacGregor appears with Judge Andrew Napolitano to explain the complexity of the tanks Biden has pledged to Ukraine. Additionally, MacGregor gives a different perspective than western media about the status of the war in Ukraine, the position and motive of the Russians and the overall status of the EU and NATO coalition.


  1. supplying tanks with a 45 year old armor recipe. and in months. a sop to GDLS.

  2. I think were defending the wrong side

    1. A metric ton of stories like that have come out of Russia. None of them are true.

    2. Sounds like Planned Parenthood abortion mills here in the States, before Roe was overturned.

  3. Fk joe* & fk ukraine nazi pedophiles

    Tanks is an act of war as joe* already said

    Fk all of them


    1. The Russians are on the balls of their asses. They have no money for a war. Their economy is in shambles. They are scrounging parts to fix military aircraft and naval ships. They are sending untrained prisoners to serve as soldiers. There will be no WW3.

    2. Dear John, that's what Napolean and Adolph, among others, thought too. So, you're in good company.

      BTW: you do know Ukraine is only the field, that Russia is fighting the men and materials of at least seven nations, including U.S., UK, Germany. You know that, right?

    3. Anonymous @ 8:29 PM, you blithering idiot. No one, absolutely NO ONE is invading Russia. Therefore, snarking about Bonaparte and Hitler makes about as much sense as Biden does on a bad day. Why do you want Putin to recreate the old evil empire, which is his heart's desire? Putin's Russia is every bit as corrupt and even more thuggish than Ukraine's government, so what's with all the tongue-baths Putin gets from you clowns?

    4. please feel free to name one thing that has happened so far that the russians haven't claimed would start world war 3. I'll wait.

      it's their last bluff.. they know they have nothing else, and they also know that in a nuclear exchange they'd die too. they're not stupid and they're not suicidal.

      the reality is the russians have lost twice as many people in 345 days than we lost in 19 1/2 years of vietnam. they are running out of bodies to throw at the problem.

    5. Buy a clue John-our "sanctions" have made Russia's economy one of the best in the world. They back their money with hard assets like gold and energy. Ours is backed by the full faith & trust of the US Government.

      See a difference John?

  4. The M1A1 Abrams tank that the Commandant of the Marine Corps got rid of were first brought to the scene in 1980. They are old - old technology. The US Army's M1A2 tanks are far more modern. There have been approximately 10,000 M1A2 tanks produced, and the US Army has roughly 8,000 in service...that means that there are 2,000 of them available to ship out, if we wanted to. The idiot in the White House wants to send a brand-new model that has for all intents and purposes, not been produced yet. It is the M1A2SepV4. It is the most modern armored fighting vehicle in the world. They cost $2 million per tank to make. Again, none have been made but Old Joe, wanting to look like a friggin' hero, wants them produced and shipped to the Ukraine. UFB!!!

    1. Off by a little. M1a2 costs in excess of $9 million each. With inflation, likely quite a bit more.


    2. ukraine isn't getting M1A2SepV4 tanks. they're getting downrated M1A1 tanks with the "special sauce" in the armor removed. it's supposedly classified but the general consensus seems to indicate it's a layer or depleted unranium.

      ukranian tank crews and mechanics have been training on these tanks since october in poland and germany, the same way we have ukranian MiG-29 pilots training on F-16's since last august.

  5. MacGregor can describe the complexity of an Abrams, but he is been utterly incompetent when he has discussed Putin's war. Had McGregor been right, the Russians would have won last March. Many held the same thing and have admitted they were wrong about the Ukrainians. MacGregor is far too prideful to admit he screwed up, and people are willing to pay the idiot as a talking head.

    1. the DoD estimates were for the ukranians to hold out for 3 weeks, tops.

      I think they vastly underestimated the fighting spirit of a people who were once enslaved, seeing the former slave masters come back into town.

  6. We need to get rid of the influence the WEF'ers have over our country. We sure as shit don't need a war with Russia. Just the declaration would tank all the markets, cause hyper-inflation and maybe WWIII.

  7. A local news report said that a train loaded with tanks bound for Ukraine went through Kansas. I'm wondering why we aren't giving them stock from Rhine ordinance barracks in Kaiserslautern Germany.

    1. Because the stocks in Germany are updated and upgraded tanks. The ones we want to.five them are essentially milsurp at this point.

  8. I haven't been by Sierra Depot in ages, but there used to be a massive number is storage there. That said, I'm more concerned about our inability to manufacture replacement munitions we'll need if China gets a case of the ass.

  9. Does anybody not stop to think about the "reason" of Putin's invasion of Ukraine? Have you forgotten his predescessor's invasion of Afghanistan?? What was that all about??? Expanding the USSR,or just keeping the peoples mind off of their totally shitty lives! Or both?Maybe just a well orchestrated propaganda campaign a la National Socialism. You know,"tell them often enough,and they will believe it"


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