
Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Tennessee lawmakers propose justifying use of deadly force to protect personal property

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Two Tennessee lawmakers are proposing justifying the use of deadly force when it comes to protecting personal property. 

SB0601/HB0510 would justify the use of deadly force against another when protecting real or personal property.


  1. I'm reminded of a story (whether it's true or not, IDK, but I like it) about a cowboy being sentenced to be hanged for stealing a horse. The cowboy tells the judge that he can't believe he's going to be hanged for just stealing a horse. The judge replied, "No, I'm hanging you so other people don't steal horses." Our justice system in this country has been so screwed by Liberalism that it no longer works. Maybe it's time to put justice back in the hands of victims.

  2. Sounds like a common sense proposal. I've always believed my property is more valuable than the life of a criminal trying to steal it.

  3. The way it should have been from the beginning.

  4. The criminals harmed by this already decided their lives are worth less than the chance of their success....

  5. I could be wrong, but I perceive this bill might have been written in part as a way to prevent Antifa 'peaceful protests from burning businesses in Rooftop Korean.

  6. It was Jefferson who wrote Life, Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I think it was Hamilton who insisted on removing Property as, you know, a compromise.

  7. Fuck yeah! I always said that I should be able to shoot anyone taking anything from me on my own property. I don't care if it's only a rake from my shed.

    I wouldn't actually shoot someone for that, but someone would, and it would give thought to a lot of assholes that were thinking about it.

    1. "I wouldn't actually shoot someone for that" I would.

  8. My thoughts: My 'property' did not magically appear one day. I had to spend hours of my life earning the money to purchase it. If you steal my property you've already stolen the time it took me at first, as well as the additional time to replace what you stole.

    Bottom line: You have effectively stolen part of my life, which we all agree I have the right to protect.

    So yeah, i should be able to defend my property with deadly force.

    1. 100% This is always how I explain it, theft of my time. I am not working for you, that has a name that they normally despise.


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