
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The pandemic missing: The kids who didn’t go back to school

She’d be a senior right now, preparing for graduation in a few months, probably leading her school’s modern dance troupe and taking art classes.

Instead, Kailani Taylor-Cribb hasn’t taken a single class in what used to be her high school since the height of the coronavirus pandemic. She vanished from Cambridge, Massachusetts’ public school roll in 2021 and has been, from an administrative standpoint, unaccounted for since then.

She is among hundreds of thousands of students around the country who disappeared from public schools during the pandemic and didn’t resume their studies elsewhere.


  1. Everybody, read this article. If not for the intended purpose, read it for what these 'schools' have to do to placate these people. Lunch. Breakfast. Laundry. Housing. Race is everything. We are truly doomed. All that is done is still not enough.

    1. I have long said that I, if elected, will shutter the Dept of Ed (and a bunch of othe 3 letter depts) on day one, before breakfast.

      So imagine my excitement that right now a bill is before Congress for the purpose of shutting down the Dept of Ed.

    2. The "missing" were never there, it was a scam. One school audit revealed 40 fake students. Some states thats about $18,000 per student, per year.

      Same for community colleges - CA identified 60,000 "students" getting financial aid but never went to classes


  2. They try to come off as caring, but ultimately it's just financial. The schools get less govt money when the kids don't show up. Also, the kids get less indoctrination, but that's a side issue to the money thing. All for the fucking flu.

    Never forget what those assholes did to our country.

  3. See if you can read the entire article before you give up at "white teacher" who apparently didn't take into account the student's blackness or believe skin color had anything to do with learning math. The student got her equivalency cert and I am sure she'll go far blaming every failure on her blackness.

  4. Just like with the airlines, it's all about "asses in seats."

  5. They sugar-coat it and call them 'missing', but they are actually 'truant' and both they and their parents are legally accountable.

    1. Legally accountable for providing an education. Homeschooling, charter schools, private schoools, directly hiring vetted instructors; these are all viable alternatives to government indoctrination institutions.

  6. "That’s thousands of students who matter to someone."...
    Yeah, the bottom line, teacher salaries, administrative 'costs' are all that matter to school districts. Not like they're teaching the kids anything. And, really, who is going to indoctrinate them into the '.gov knows above all' victim mindset.

  7. Districts get paid for having bodies in seats, not for educating the students. A HS diploma is a certificate of barely acceptable attendance, nothing more.

  8. Clearly society is failing these people as we haven't created custom learning plans for every individual, no matter how mentally ill, lazy, or stupid.

  9. Heh. My kids aren't "missing". Government doesn't even know about 'em.

    All 5 of them were born at home. They were raised by their momma's side, taught their ABC's, to read, write, care for animals, first aid, baking and cooking. I taught them math, programming, robotics, construction, electrical, science, trauma care and wound management, etc...we both instilled a good work ethic in them as well as honesty, punctuality, critical thinking, to question authority, and the knowledge of when it is appropriate to pull the trigger.

    Thanks to avoiding public school, they failed to learn how to take drugs, that their gender is "wrong", no cross-dressing or blowjobs in the bathrooms, no conforming to whatever the government arbitrarily tells you, etc...

    Fuck government.

  10. Well, if they need money, there's always OnlyFans. At least for the females 18+. No diploma needed.

  11. We have a society that has sold out and abandoned our children on so many levels, with govt schools being one of the biggest. A society that abandons responsibility and care of its' children and endorses abuse (govt schools, sexual perversions, mutilations), is no longer a viable society.

  12. If these kids really wanted an education they could get one. They don't. They want to spend their lives playing video games, watching TV and accomplishing nothing. And their parents allow it. The only people at fault are the parent and the lazy kids.

  13. No real mention of home schooling in the article. A lot of those "missing" kids are now home schooling. A lot, are also just truant i bet, but TPTB and the media, but I repeat myself, detest home school, so no mention of how it surged during the 'rona, and how many parents discovered they liked having their kids around.


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