
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The thug life chose me



  1. They grow up so fast!

  2. where is this so I can keep clear of this area?
    There is the mom? looking on as her son? tries to kill someone.

    1. ?India, Indonesia? Somewhere they drive on the right. Can't read the words on the sign.

    2. I am guessing South Africa, or maybe Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). Left-hand traffic, and a magnificent rise in the crime statistics ever since the blacks assumed power.

  3. There was a claim, attributed to the Jesuit order, that if you gave them your child for seven years, they would set that person on a path that they would never abandon. Therein lies the conceptual basis of the "Formative Years", espoused by classical psychology. That is no mother in the photograph, it is a sociopath, wherein there is only one effective means to prevent further victimization.

  4. Replies
    1. Shoot all three and be done with all future crimes.

  5. I predict a short life span for this young person of color. Way to go, Mom.
    I'd congratulate the sperm donor too, but he's obviously never been around.

    1. He went out for a pack of Kools.

  6. Daddy gone, you the man of the house now. Go get us some money.
    Kid: Throw them legs in the air, that's what got us into this situation. But this time at least get paid for it.

  7. Foreign country. But still proof that genetics run true...

  8. Wowzers... every day we inch closer to civilizational breakdown. On one hand we have the world elites trying to turn the world into radioactive dust via a nuclear conflagration, while on the other hand we have those same seemingly insane elites trying to depopulate the planet using disease and starvation.
    Wait a minute.... sounds like the same objective by those very same privileged elites, a world with only them in it. Gotta wonder if the unimaginably rich have stopped to think who will be their slaves and servants when we are all dead except them? And where will they spend all that money they've been stealing? And just how much enjoyment will they get from the pleasure centers of the world when there is nothing but burnt out cities, or cities with unburied corpses everywhere, with no one to cater to their whims, or to fulfil their desires at the snap of a finger?
    Oh, I forgot. They believe their hideaways and secure compounds they have built everywhere will not be affected, that they will be safe and secure during the "few weeks of disruption" that their saving of the world from all those billions of useless "eaters" will bring. And - of course - that somehow enough of us peons and serfs will survive to do all the work and cater to their needs. Good luck with that. Those damned blue masks are not going to filter out the radioactive dust in the air, or the stench of untold millions - perhaps billions - of the unburied dead.
    Look at the people who sheepishly rode in cattle cars to death camps with the gas chambers how sitting on their butts and doing nothing worked out.
    But it's different now, right? You bet. Let's not learn from history.

  9. Is that a real picture? Could you imagine being in that situation where you'd have to decide to shoot a little kid? Damn...

  10. Momma so proud, watchin' her li'l niglet's first day on the job.

  11. Aspiring rapper on his way to choir practice collecting reparations , nothing to see here...


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