
Thursday, February 02, 2023

This is how bad California can fuck something up

A marijuana brand bearing the name of one of the world's most famous stoners has pulled out of California as the state's cannabis taxes gut legal operations and allow the black market to thrive.


  1. 80% taxes?
    There clearly is room for growth says governot Nuisance.

    1. Leastwise, that's what his hair stylist tells him...

  2. And in other California F.U. news, a man that has been investigating the EDD (unemployment) Covid relief snafu estimates that the dollar amount that has disappeared never to be seen again is $32.6 Billion.
    This is aside from the fact that the state still owes the federal government $20 billion to repay money they borrowed to keep the fund afloat BEFORE the Covid thingy even started.

    BTW, the current director of EDD was a lobbyist for the SEIU before she became a lobbyist for the EDD (her title was Chief Deputy Director of External Affairs, Legislation and Policy) BEFORE she was appointed by Gavie to run EDD.

    And people wonder why California is screwed up.
    This state needs to crash and burn, bigly.

  3. 80% tax on weed says Newsom. Hold my beer says pancake face Hochul. Soon in New York state the tax on ordinary, Clinton shoving up Monica's cooze, style cigars will be 95%

  4. The only reason states legalize MJ is so they have something else to tax.

    1. Anybody who is surprised by this outcome probably don't even believe that the politicians are happy to see stoned voters, either...

  5. It’s not just the tax rates for the cannabis industry that are driving people to quit. The regulators have been endlessly moving the goal post on every front. Even if you have met and continue to meet all of the new goals, the reporting has become more onerous than the actual physical work. It’s so top heavy that you need a team of lawyers, accounts, and architects to keep up with the paperwork. Every year, less money for labor, infrastructure, equipment maintenance etc… we all kinda knew it would eventually go that way. Oh well. It was a lot of fun. Too bad.

  6. Government doing what it did to manufacturing to weed so soon it will be gr9wn by slaves in China.

  7. The golden rule in CA. If you can have a profitable businsess, we will make what you are doing illegal unless you pay a tax. Only thing legal in CA is being an illegal and we will pay you for it.

  8. That's nothing. The Provincial Government in Ontario set up its own stores to sell weed....... and still lost money.
    Only the gubmint can sell drugs to stoners and lose money.

  9. "If you put the government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand."

  10. Why do think they call it dope

  11. The legal pot growing in states like CA and CO are primarily indoor pot farms. These indoor pot farms comsume vast amounts of electricity and release tons of evil CO2. In CO, there have been brown outs which have been blamed on the indoor pot growers. CA estimates commercial
    indoor pot growers use as much electricity as 1/3 of all households in the state.

    Laughably, the pot industry has become the target of greenies looking to reduce the 'extreme carbon footprint' of pot growers. The indoor pot growers have been the subject of numerous state, federal, and independant research labs for energy consumption and generators if greenhouse gases.

    The shit city of Adelanto in the SoCal high desert has, so far, chased awayover fifty commercial businesses to make room for indoor pot growers. Adelanto, long teetering on bankruptcy, has given tax holidays to pot growers which other business did not enjoy. Still, the city looks insolvancy in the face.

    I am on the floor laughing. Who have gotten rich are the land investors and Realtors.

  12. The government - the only institution that can go bankrupt selling weed and pussy.

  13. The same thing is happening in Canada where pot is legal coast to coast. The government controls the legal cannabis trade and it's bankrupting the suckers who invested in it.

    Legal Pot products are so heavily laden with various taxes and fees that NO ONE is buying.

    The mom and pop black market for weed is thriving. Everyone but the feds are happy.

  14. All you dummies that squawked about making it legal, here you go. You just invited the Government into your life - and look how well that's working out for you.


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