
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Uh-oh, Peter Peter Buttplug Eater may be in trouble

A U.S. government watchdog will audit Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's use of taxpayer-funded government airplanes for trips, his office said on Monday.

The Transportation Department Office of Inspector General will review 18 flights Buttigieg made on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) planes over seven trips. The audit will reportedly also include a travel review by the previous Transportation Secretary under former President Donald Trump, Elaine Chao.


First it was the tranny luggage thief, now the gay Transportation Secretary is under the gun for misusing taxpayer funded flights for personal business.
Biden sure knows how to pick his deviants, doesn't he?

I am curious as to the purpose of the 18 trips though, considering he hasn't done shit.


  1. I'm going to guess he's flying around the world researching 'trains' in exotic locations. You know, things like max capacity, length, number of 'cars'. Ugh. I think I just grossed myself out.

  2. Are you trying to tell me that people qualified in corruption but unqualified to do their job can be prosecuted? That's weird.

  3. I'm going to guess, none of us can even comprehend the sheer feeling, no, not feeling, but fulfilling fullness of entitlement these cretins have.

    Not only does their shit not stink, but how dare you think they even shit.

    The mindset is, 'I shall do as I please, because I am all that matters.'

    The choice is down to bullets or ridicule. I'm good with either at this point.

  4. Don’t forget the tranny military officer selling secrets to russia

  5. My question is. Why does biden have so many sexual deviants in his administration? Also, none of them appear to be even remotely competent. Why is that?

    1. Joe's appointees take after him in the competency department. Don't forget that Joe's not actually picking these people. Susan Rice is picking them using DEI as the prerequisite qualification. Thus you get a majority of minorities with advanced degrees who don't know shit from shinola and couldn't find their way down a well with a map and a flashlight or ditzes like that Disinformation Czar and the mop head binder girl White House Press Secretary.


    2. There are so many incompetents because the Democrat establishment no longer cares about competence. Exhibit A: Joe. Exhibit B: Kamala.

  6. Flying around trying to find out why there are too many white men at construction sites.
    (Is there ANYBODY in the Biden Regime that operates according to their job description??)

  7. I will not knowingly engage the services of deviates. The very GD idea of trusting a government agency to someone who doesn't even know what butt holes are for is appalling to me. Ffs, bring back meritocracy!

  8. As I have lived at length to 5 foreign countries I have found a worldwide axiom not just here to USA where I am citizen = political leaders upon installment first put on their royal robes. They become quite literally "above any law" to disagree with Queen Hillary there.

  9. It's a lot of work destroying the USA.
    Buttplug is doing the assigned work.


  11. That useful idiot has lost whatever usefulness he had for the DS, so now it's time to throw him under the bus.

  12. He and his butty have a place in Traverse City. He probably like to fly here for free. Fucking fagot

  13. Elaine Chao, Bitch McConnell's live in Chinese spy wife has been in the U.S. government in some capacity since the late 80's, so she probably thinks she's entitled given the positions she's held and that she's Bitch's wife.

    Look at her picture then look at one of Bitch. Then wonder how Bitch got so lucky.


    1. Elaine Chao is Fang Fang I to Mitch
      Swallowswell had Fang Fang II
      Which was hotter?

  14. The investigation will quickly move to investigating Trump Secretary Chao. This just is to make it seem like it's bipartisan, and not a witch hunt to prevent Trump from running.

  15. That's a lot of government plane trips. I wonder if he's a member of the mile high club

  16. As with all of them, nothing will happen.

  17. Well he's always been the under dog.

  18. This is all a kabuki theater charade. They will investigate, determine that he did not properly reimburse the government for the trips, and he will be "forced" to pay the going rate for a first class ticket on the flights. And, that will no way cover the real expenses of the trip. Then, to top it off, he will file the appropriate expense statements to be reimbursed the cost of the ticket and that will be the end of it; justice will be done and his stellar reputation will be restored. Color me cynical, but it is an exclusive club and we don't get those benefits.

  19. Say there mister president, how's that 'pandering to parasites' thingy workin' out for you?


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