
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Widespread panic in San Francisco

In the coming years, it is likely you will encounter people in San Francisco carrying concealed weapons.

A Supreme Court ruling from last year forced localities to soften permitting rules. In short, the court ruled that "may issue" laws — in which officials have broad discretion to deny a person seeking a concealed weapon permit — violate the Second Amendment. Areas with "may issue" laws must now transition to "shall issue" laws, in which the permit-seeker is entitled to a permit unless they are deemed unfit to carry a weapon.


  1. Oakland is the place you need to carry.

  2. being democrat should be all the mental illness one needs to be prohibited from owning or having firearms. eviscerate the democrat party with extreme prejudice.

  3. "...the city is currently reviewing 72 permit applications and expects between 100 and 200 over the next year."
    And how many of those 100 to 200 applications will be approved?

    Then there's the fact that they make it sound like reviewing applications is an exhausting process. It's not.
    They'll drag their feet and maybe eventually be forced to do the right thing by court order. Maybe.

    1. "maybe eventually be forced to do the right thing by court order. Maybe."

      Exactly. The State of Califruitopia and all of major and many minor cities and towns does whatever the hell it feels like in regards to firearms laws including completely ignoring any Ninth Circus and SJC rulings.

      Despite all of these curbs on law abiding gun owners, criminals will always have whatever firearms they want, just like criminals everywhere.


    2. Sheriff Scott Jones of Sacramento County issued literally thousands of permits in his 12 years as Sheriff. That puts the lie to how difficult reviewing applications is.
      Then he retired, ran for congress and lost. His replacement as Sheriff is a triple dipping POS gun-grabber named Jim Cooper, who loves exemptions from gun laws for current and retired LEOs (he wrote a few of those laws as an assemblyman) but loathes the idea of law abiding citizens being armed.

      Did I mention Scott Jones is a Republican and Jim Cooper is a Democrat?

    3. Did you need to?

  4. I saw Widespread Panic open for Phish in ‘98…….just kidding, I would never go to a Phish concert.

  5. You may encounter people carrying concealed weapons in San Francisco today. Laws only apply to the law abiding.


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