
Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Army Secretary Predicts China Will Attack U.S. Homeland If ‘Major War’ Breaks Out

U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth predicted that if China got into a “major war” with the U.S. the Communist-led country would attack the American homeland.

“The United States homeland would be at risk as well with both kinetic attacks and non-kinetic attacks – whether it’s cyberattacks on the power grid or on pipelines,” Wormuth said Monday at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.


I wonder how long it took her to figure that out? Did she figure it out herself or did her and Kamala come up with that over a bottle of wine?


  1. Joe is destroying our infrastructure.

  2. Just the other day this same dingbat announced that the biggest threat facing the People's Army of the United States was climate change, and that is what she was focused on.

  3. I can provide the Lat/Long for DC, Delaware, Northern Virgina, and Northern Maryland.

  4. Well Laddy Buck, appears that one got your attention; before Biden's term ends, we may be inline for a new CJCS. Decent odds that the "Quicker F'fr Upper" will nominate a female general. Musical chairs points to AF or USN being up for the job. If so, "We Can Stand-By for Better Days".

  5. Women's Empowerment!

    Kind of reminds me of the good old days of Barry O, when Hillary and her buddies Susan Rice, Samantha Power and Victoria Nuland tried to blow up the Middle East.

    Always remember, when attempting to implement a Scorched Earth policy the right man for the job is a woman!

  6. Christine Wormuth is a military genius, and I'll bet that she's never read Sun Tzu's "Art of War" or Carl von Clauswitz's "On War." I'm impressed that she figured all this out by herself.

  7. What's the daily limit for the "Yellow-belly Commie"?? Asking for a friend.

  8. The US is fortunate that WWI and WWII were fought "over there," and not in our backyard. My guess is that the Chinese will not fire the first shot against US infrastructure, and the US should not harm Chinese infrastructure if hostilities break out over Taiwan. The trick is to diplomatically show the Chinese that they are making so much money with the status quo, that it would be foolish to risk it by escalating things. They got Hong Kong back, but wisely kept it as an economic powerhouse without putting it in a communist straight jacket. Von Clauswitz's thesis is that the military is there to back up a nation's diplomacy, and its use should be limited to situations where diplomacy fails. Hopefully Slo-Joe will be out of office by the time a conflict is close and the next president can fix things.

  9. Fear not! The new and improved diverse, inclusive, and triple boosted armed forces should be able to handle this! I just hope the Chinese invaders have received their sensitivity training and know the importance of respecting people's pronouns, or there could be social media backlash.

  10. China attacks USA, China imports stop, Walmart closes all stores.

  11. From what I hear, single Chinese males of military age are crossing our southern border unfettered as I write this, so the invasion has already began.

  12. Why the hell wouldn't they attack the continental US? Under the democraps, the formerly once great US military is a PC shithole too interested in pronouns and giving all their arms to the Uks rather than protecting what they have sworn to protect.

  13. If the Chinese land on the left coast then we should move in from the east and give our enemies a 2 front war.

  14. They don't need to fire a shot. Wormuth and half the O'Biden Administration will hang welcome banners on the Golden Gate, and toss flowers as they sail under.

  15. The Demonrats and their masters have been trying desperately to convince SOMEONE to attack the US mainland for decades now. They're getting closer!

  16. more than likely it will be China, and Koreans from the Pacific and Canada with the Cartels from the South/ East with Cubans and Russians and in place illegals from Iran/where ever. Only after EMPs and well placed nukes lead the assault. Take out the USA and the rest of the world will domino. Sad part is todays military is low on weapons and strong leaders thanks to Biden. So the invaders are coming after the 80 million well armed militia. That is the only thing they fear.

  17. I don't think these people really appreciate how a nuclear extinction event works.

  18. kamala brought a venn diagram

  19. The reason Japan never invaded the US is because they knew behind every shrub abd bush there would be an American with a weapon firing back,,,,,if it comes to that, I wonder of we have enough ammo to lay waste to 20% of the world's population....


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