
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Biden expected to sign new executive order on gun control

President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday aiming to increase the number of background checks to buy guns, promote better and more secure firearms storage and ensure U.S. law enforcement agencies are getting the most out of a bipartisan gun control law enacted last summer.


  1. Once all the gang bangers and other thugs follow the law, I might consider it. Otherwise FJB!

  2. More rules for law abiding citizens that infringes on their rights.

  3. I'll just leave this here...(c. 1986)
    "I believe the compromises that are now a part of this bill have resulted in a balanced piece of legislation that protects the rights of private gun owners while not infringing on law enforcement's ability to deal with those who misuse guns or violate laws," Biden said at the time.

    "During my 12 and a half years as a member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control," he continued.

  4. Who cares what this lying senile A**hole says? An executive order means squat. Send your flunkies to enforce it. Simple solution is to not buy at a gun store.

  5. I still don't get how someone can sign "executive order" and people act like it is a law ?
    I thought laws where passed by congress, not made up by whatever asshole was in the white house. this I have a phone and a pen bullshit needs to stop.
    like during the Virus madness, I told people mandates are not laws.
    you do not lose your rights over night because of some mandate bullshit.
    it is not legal under our laws.

    1. But it happens anyway.... they can & do enforce their mandates.
      I'd make the joke about "as much justice as you can afford" but this has nothing to do with justice or the "rule of law" (remember that anyone?)

    2. That's so old school. Nowadays, Congress passes suggestions, such as "federal agency XYZ will evaluate and promote regulations in order to curb excess blah blah blah" without any specific language on what that agency can and cannot do. Then the agency is free to make shit up as needed (i.e. the BATFE and the pistol brace bullshit - none of which was debated or voted on by any elected representative). The president, by issuing an executive order, is simply telling those same federal agencies what he wants them to focus on, and for them to use the very open-ended language of whatever bill to accomplish it. We are ruled by a bureaucracy and any elections held are just window dressing.

    3. 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

      And replace our nation of "laws, not men" with royal decree emanating from appointed judges and executive orders. Replace elected officials with bureaucrats.

  6. The shooter referenced in FBJ’s magical law enactment was Huu Can Tran. Huu was Asian, we should be celebrating his efforts to bring diversity to murder.

  7. Ol shitty pants gave the taliban over 300,000 small arms, nods, helos, armored vehicles, biometrics, etc. No thanks shitty pants.

  8. It's almost like NYSRPA v Bruen never happened.
    I've said it before,and I'm going to keep saying it: "The last time I saw Democrats acting like this, SCOTUS had told them to desegregate the schools."

  9. JUNE
    If they tell me I'm safe--
    They're gonna kill you.

    Knight and Day (2010)

  10. weekly, athletes, self important people and the wealthy get picked up with an illegal weapon. NONE of them go to jail. Maybe lets try enforcement for once.

  11. Hey, people will not willingly get in the boxcars.

    1. You might be surprised. I didn't think so many people would wear masks or lock themselves in their homes either.

  12. My wife had a poodle. One day that dog got up on the couch beside me and puked up a stomachful of cat shit from the litterbox. Joe Biden and the people working for him disgust me in the same way. We will see the day when private citizens start removing local government officials from office.

  13. These Executive Orders have morphed into Dictatorial Powers, no checks and balances anymore. Congress and the Court has allowed this BS to happen for the most part, rather than doing their mandated jobs.

  14. #FJB. EO's are NOT laws.
    Fuck those fucking fuckers.


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