
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Commentary: America’s Southern Border Invasion

By almost any significant metric, this is not America’s finest hour. We do not appear to be respected or feared economically, militarily, or in any other way by rival nations. Americans do not feel confident about the future, and we are seemingly more polarized along partisan lines than ever before.


  1. I think the GOP's take on this is.... If we (gop) do nothing, then the citizens will be frustrated and donate more money to our campaigns. I think the GOP is as big a part of this as the handlers for dementia joe.

    1. Look in the mirror, boy. Just as soon as my fellow Americans stop thinking that one side of government correct the problem which the other side of government had created, the sooner we might rescue the remains of our republic.

      This republic was founded for a self-governing people. I know we have drifted far from that, yet ostensibly we are still that people.

      Eff the government, those worthless money grubbing rubes. Get up, get going, do it yourself. Live as a free man unfettered by the chains those pussies seek to burden upon you.

      I don't know how many of you have actually met and spoken with a Congress critter, but I tell you, of the 15 or so I have engaged in meaningful conversation (and taken stock of their body language the whole time), every single one of them has been pasty soft with doughy handshake and unsure of themselves when not in immediate presence of other Congress critters.

      (In travel, they huddle amidst "staffers', who are nothing more than a security blanket, to let them feel in control, less naked. The avg staffer is a dunce, an eager beaver looking to pad their CV, a yes man, a worthless whore hoping to capture glory, a first line of defense, an excuse useful to the elected, a showing, albeit a pretense, of power.)

      They abhor interaction with constituents, mostly because they are afraid. They are afraid of you. Their constituency truly are the dirt people, a necessary evil. They truly are pussies. You'd as soon as beat their ass simply for their presence in your vicinity. And they know it.

      First step in righting USS America is the severe abolishment of all professional politicians. Shoot the bastards who will not voluntarily honor the 24 hours generously given to vacate elected, or appointed, office.

      Clay Higgins of Louisiana is a good man. Perhaps the only. Even him I would demand he leave office.

  2. Heres a novel idea, let us citizens secure the border. Really let us do it. You law enforcement, you CBP, all you sons a bitches taking pay and not doing what really needs to be done, stay away. Give us two weeks, that border will be secured. Anything moving north across the border will be neutralized and left to rot. Remember what General Curtis LeMay said.

    1. Not novel. The problem for the patriot is their own damn government.
      I have spent countless hours figuring how to evade the multiple layers of defense installed and used by fedgov
      (Countless hours too investigating the types and modes of surveillance.) If only I had the multi-spectrum signature of a free floating lizard.

      See, fedgov knows every body which comes across. Its just that they've decided to let it happen. There's money, huge money, in it. What, you thought the 'christian' NGOs [spit] care beyond the dollars?

      Along comes Charley to defend his country, well that just isn't allowed. It upsets the gravy train. Untold riches in criminal enterprise. Everyone knows that. So why not them in fedgov get rich too, both in the coming and going?
      The border is porous in both directions. The hapless patriot defending his country from invasion will get kilt*, likely by his own govt.

      *if not killed, then a very long stay in fed pen, not club fed. Then the IRS goes to work.


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