
Wednesday, March 01, 2023

"Now we up the stakes"

NEW YORK - The rise in shoplifting is forcing store owners to hire their own private security — hoping the presence of a K-9 unit will intimate thieves before they strike. 

Shoplifters know that if you can grab the goods and get out of the store— no one will chase them.


I can't wait until the videos start coming out.


  1. Time to take a bite out of crime.

  2. Each vid will have a Knee-Grow with the dog biting him while yelling" I can't breath" then claim the dog was Racissssst.

  3. Methinks that the author meant intimidate, not intimate. Damn, don't they employ editors anymore?

    1. They don't need editors, they have spelchek.

    2. The dog's gonna either f#ck 'em or f#ck 'em up -- either way it's gonna be entertaining, hope they got video :)

  4. Can't wait till the Lib politicians start posting signs reading: "Dog Free Zone"

  5. I can watch K-9 vidyas all day. For the life of me I can't understand what's so important that you'd risk permanently damaged tendons over. You sure as hell aren't outrunning them.

    Some time ago I saw a pic, I think on daily timewaster, of a doberman in a woolworths after hours back in the day. Very cool B&W shot.

    Pretty soon, junkyard dogs won't only be for the junkyard.

    1. Macy’s department store in New York used to have a free roaming team of six Dobermans in the store from closing to next morning’s opening. They were very effective in discovering thieves who would hide out in the store at closing time to leisurely steal. The dogs were great at detecting them. I don’t know if they still do that.

  6. Long ago and far away I saw a Best Buy security guy tackle another guy outside the door in the parking lot. The tacklee wasn't carrying anything visible so I don't know what he might have shoplifted. Maybe he dissed one of the audio department idiots.

  7. Junkyard dogs have had an important role for ages.
    NYC is a junkyard.
    Go figure.

  8. Won't be long before the leftist outcry gets dogs removed. Some politicians in CA want to ban K9 dogs as being racist and traumatic for some groups. Used to be these people were called commie lovers (and still are), but now they are criminal lovers.

    1. Well, I for one don't think dogs should be used for regular police duty (you know, regular patrol) but only because 99% of the time I see them being used in videos, the handler has a hard time calling them off and controlling them. Most folks will condemn a human cop for being too aggressive, and rightfully so. A dog should be held to the same standard.

    2. Yeah, how many of them are dog-handler material?
      Junkyard dogs are a different story, territorial.

    3. I should rent out that asshole dog Jack. He's never seen a negro before - I bet he'd attack just out of GP.


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