
Friday, March 03, 2023

Resumes With "They/Them" Pronouns More Likely to Be Overlooked sent two identical phantom resumes to “180 unique job postings that were explicitly open to entry-level candidates” in an effort to test “whether or not the inclusion of gender-neutral pronouns impacts how employers perceive resumes.”


No doubt. I hate running across the word 'they' when they're talking about a single person. Lately I just click it off and find something else to read.
I was really hoping it was just a passing thing, but then the fucking media started encouraging it by using those terms and now I see it on a daily basis.


  1. Anybody who includes 'their pronouns' in a resume is an idiot, because they are announcing they will be a PITA to manage if they are hired at all. Same thing with Ms. or Mx honorifics.

    Never hire a snowflake SJW..

    1. Unless you need a front line cashier.

    2. Never there either. You need a front line cashier to actually work. And SJWs can't work, can't show up on time, can't follow simple instructions, are lazy, smelly, and all-around not-nice people.

      Seriously, I'd rather be in a room full of IT trolls during a 5-day online group raid than around an SJW for 8 hours.

  2. Omitting what an oppressed minority or freak one is might also help with the job hunting.
    Employers like fixed not broken workers. Fixers not breakers.
    Even if that is racist.

  3. When I am reading something and the word 'they' shows up out of context, that's the end of it for me. The same when I see the word 'equity'.
    When that kind of language shows up you know the 'author' has no clue about the real world, so why trust anything written?

  4. They'll just leave out their preferred pronouns until they get hired and then demand they be used lest they sue. Employers had the same issue with muslims that would show up w/o their headbag for the interview only to be hired and then demand tolerance of their cultural crap like no ceramic pigs be on anyone's desk or not eating around them during their yearly depopulation period known as Ramadan.
    - WDS

  5. I assume any resume that has they on it reflects mental illness which would make them unsuitable for job.


  6. I was recently solicited for a job by a recruiter at a defense contractor. His signature block had a pronoun statement, so I replied telling it that it lost me at "my pronouns are" and that I had no interest in working for any organization that condoned or encouraged such BS.

  7. Some filtering is better than none. And that 90 or 180 day probation? USE IT. No cause needed, just 'bad fit'. Done.

  8. THAT is why the acronym 'TBAR" was invented (Throw Book Across Room).


  9. Considering the majority of resumes are fed through OCR readers for initial processing, the programs may be set to automatically reject any anybody using “pronouns” as a possible HR/workplace disaster.

    No sane company hires a potential lawsuit waiting to be triggered!

  10. It is useful when fuckwits self - identify.

  11. I loath this ignorant "woke" trend and refuse to deal with anyone stupid enough to list their preferred pronouns. Donated to a particular charity a few years in a row and got an email from one of the folks with pronouns in his sig and ignored it at first but when I got another email from a woman at the same organization and she listed hers, I replied back that I will no longer donate because of the "woke" personal pronoun crap and to remove me from any future communications. Had to reiterate it a few times more as they didn't give up easy.

  12. I remember when using "they" for a gender unknown was semi-respectable... but it was just because one had no idea whether someone was a man or a woman, or whether it was one or more people. It used to be a shortcut. Informal.


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