
Friday, March 10, 2023

SoCalGas customers blast utility over proposed rate hike

Just as many Southern Californians are turning up the thermostat to keep warm during this unusually cold winter, SoCalGas is warning customers of a potential rate hike next year that could increase the average household’s bill by some 13%. 


Don't worry, Southern Californians. Your State government is going to fix that for you soon enough by outlawing natural gas in the name of climate change or whatever.


  1. If you can leave mexafornia, get to it. Things will never be better with the libturds ruining the gubbermint in this state.

  2. Yeah; and this is after DOUBLING January's gas bill "due to unprecedented demand." And THIS is after NEWSOM raised electric rates SIXTY PERCENT because the "green" energy didn't just fall outtad'sky.

    California used to be a net exporter of clean burning natgas. We had so much of it our power plants RAN on the stuff. Now we're using electricity produced somewhere else... PROBABLY GENERATED using COAL!!!


  3. WestcoastDeplorableMarch 10, 2023 at 6:41 PM

    The problem I have with SoCal gas is they're not looking out for their customers. A friend of mine who worked for SoCal Edison told me since they burn nat gas to generate electric, they're always negotiating long-term deliveries of millions of cubic feet of the gas in the futures market, buying when the price dips.
    This this increase was all the sudden, it tells me no one is minding the store. My gas bill shot from $125 to $338 in one month; my usage didn't increase.

  4. I've lived in SoCali all my life. I've never experienced a natural gas "outage" OTOH I HAVE experienced electrical outages, seems like more more recently.


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