
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tennessee RINOs in action

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The GOP lawmakers behind bills to expand access to guns in Tennessee heard from legislative counsel and representatives of the Department of Safety that their bills could have unintended consequences if passed.


  1. The aren't unintended consequences. They are the consequences of people not obeying laws. And those same people are currently not obeying the current laws, so why should those of us who obey the laws be restricted because some people don't?

  2. From the article:
    “You’re missing half the amendment there, but…” Gillespie said.

    And the half you're referring (the militia clause) to was slapped down in Heller v DC.

  3. How about the bill introduced to "redefine" money. Katy bar the door.


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