
Monday, March 20, 2023

Tennessee Senate OKs push to define 'sex;' May risk federal funding

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Transgender people in Tennessee would be prevented from changing their driver's licenses and birth certificates under legislation approved by Republican senators.


  1. The great bifurcation continues...

  2. Aurelius Augustinus HipponensisMarch 20, 2023 at 11:36 AM

    The truth is like a Lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.

  3. Withholding federal funding was what brought the 21 year old drink age to all 50 states decades ago and that's what's going to happen when we see this law wither on the vine. It's all about the money Lebowski

    1. This time, they're saving "withholding federal money" for Red Flag confiscation orders and Universal Background Checks.

  4. They risk loss of federal EDUCATION funding. That is a total win/win. Keep mentally ill men amd perverts in disguise out of female locker rooms and rest rooms and defund the teachers' union. Brilliant!

  5. Do without the Federal "education" funding and stop following ALL federal "education" guidelines. That alone should allow the schools to fire 90% of their administration as all they are there for is to ensure compliance to federal rules and regs. Huge money savings and possibly a serious improvement in "education" quality (if that is actually possible in a government-run system). We are either going to step away from Uncle Sam by going our own way, or this tyranny will NEVER end.


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