
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

TRUTH about the Irish - First slaves brought to the Americas

 Slavery is perhaps one of the oldest profit making endeavors in human history and the Irish were a special target for a thousand years, persecuted by one faction or another, to include enslavement and indentured servitude. But were they the first slaves in the Americas? Find out here. 

VIDEO HERE  (14:33 minutes)


  1. I'm Irish and I'm still a economic slave

  2. don't tell Al Sharpton that. they believe that blacks where the only slaves just like they all believe they where Kangs and shit back in that shithole place.

  3. Now you know why we rose up in every generation.
    There was no famine – there was a hunger. We exported wheat, beef and pork the whole time.
    Another revolt is brewing and not just against the English.

  4. Are you referring to the Irish immigrants? Those proud, bust-ass people that helped build America?

    Funny that I've never heard reparations mentioned for those frickin' Micks. Buncha slackers.

  5. JayinOKC - my ancestors were Irish indentured slaves with some Viking blood in there somewhere. I don’t do the DNA tracing that’s popular these days but my twin does so whata-gonna-do..? But my family has paper records going back to the 1700’s and a family history book in The Library of Congress. The DNA stuff says we are more Viking/Scottish than anything else but it was my Irish family we can name and trace.

    And one great great whatever great Grandpa fought for Dixie and one was a Yank but he was forced to fight when he was accused of being a sympathizer for The South and was killed in battle. My Rebel grandpa survived.

    1. The Irish were gathered up by the hundreds and forced to fight in the Civil War. Both sides did this but mainly the North because that's where most the Irish lived. Many were forced but others were so poor they had no choice. No one would hire them, they fought so their families had food. You might like reading about The Irish Bragaid.

  6. 100% unadulterated bullshit. Take an hour and read a little history: the first Irish in the New World were mercenaries for Spain (in Florida) in 1566, but the first Irish in the colonies didn't land until 1630 (Boston). Up to 2/3 of everyone coming to America were indentured servants, and the average term of indenture was three years (seven being especially long). The first black slaves were in Jamestowne in 1619; at the time the Jamestowne settlers were all English, Dutch, or Poles. A few Irish were impressed to the colonies by Charles I and Cromwell, but those numbers were dwarfed by the huge number of Scots forcibly sent to the colonies after 1654. The first mass migration of Irish to America didn't happen until 1714.

    As for slavery itself, the first written proof is from the Sumerians, circa 2,100 BC. EVERYONE was a slave at one time or another, so it's nothing "special". And the idea that the poor, picked on Irish were somehow extraordinary chattel slaves (except those taken by the Swedes and sold to the Arabs) is as much woke bullshit as "We Wuz Kangs".

    1. Uh huh, and I'm going to take your word for all that - an anonymous commenter who shows absolutely none of his work or offers no credentials.

  7. I’m Irish.. and English… and Dutch… and Italian .,, and German…and 100% American. Heinz 57 and I’ll fight you. Or drink with you. Your choice. My preference is that we drink together and fight the French.

  8. Read 'White Cargo' by Jordan and Walsh. A real eye opener concerning the early slave trade. One of those books the slave grifters don't want you to see.

  9. I'm Irish and I want my reperations

  10. I'm descended from Norwegian, Icelandic and German ancestors. Looks like I've got some reparations to come up with to several other people groups.

  11. I'm Irish, Scottish and (according to my DNA) 3% Viking. Does this mean I have to pay reparations to myself?


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