
Thursday, March 09, 2023

Tucker Carlson Calls Out the ‘Professional Christians’

In one of his monologues last week, Tucker Carlson called Merrick Garland “the weakest attorney general” in American history. Tucker added, “Merrick Garland has presided over the most aggressive attack on civil liberties, in particular, an attack on the practice of traditional Christianity, than any living American has seen.”


  1. I have to disagree about Garland. While he is physically a little worm of a man he wields great power. "The process is the punishment ". He may not actually convict you of anything but if he charges you, you can be sure you will go broke defending yourself. Look at General Flynn

  2. Replies
    1. I'm guessing you're a Christian as well?

    2. well, Anonymous, since it was a response you made without clarification of who or what you are, I will step in. I am a Christian, and not only a Christian, but a white, heterosexual, U.S. war veteran, of the Marine Corps type. The .gov says I am a "domestic terrorist" to thank me for 3 combat tours in S.E. Asia, I guess. Garland has power because we allow it, that suffrage may end soon. What also may end is the tolerance of folks such as me, putting up with the smarmy, condescending bullshit of fucks like "Judy" Garland. As it says in Scripture, "a time is coming, and now is..." I'm not certain why you or anybody else posts as "anonymous" - the .gov already not only knows who you are, but everything else about you. So you only hide your identity from "us" - and we don't give a fuck who you are. Me? Everyone here and elsewhere knows the grumpy ol' bastard known as...
      Original Grandpa

    3. A Muammar Gaddafi type of ending is more appropriate. Xyklon B is better still

    4. Wow. A marine. So sub par IQ , maybe, just maybe 85. Lmao

  3. "Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;"
    Second law of thermodynamics, entropy. Shit tends to fail.

  4. The mainstream Protestant denominations (Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Church of Christ) are all fully on board with the progressive agenda. The United Methodist Church is currently in the process of destroying itself over the leadership’s devotion to the LGBTQ cause.

    1. I used to be a Baptist. I even went to Bible College to become a Baptist preacher. But I ended up having too many doctrinal differences with the group. But to say one is a Baptist is not really saying much, now days. Because there are more flavors of Baptist than there are flavors of ice cream at Baskin Robbins.
      And not just the list you gave, but almost all known denominations today are moving leftward. It would appear that we are heading toward socialism, ala the Russian or German way, circa 1940 something. Tolerate religion, but also use it for your own advantage, and only tolerate the religion so long as it recognizes the state as being on a higher plane than God. I can almost see the same thing here with our social church services, and the sermons that I have heard that come not from the Bible, but from the latest issue of the Readers Digest.
      And Jesus Wept.

  5. He's not weak. He's following orders and playing his part. I feel like Tucker knows this but he also knows there's some things he doesn't dare say out loud.

  6. DOJ operates with impunity. They could not careless about what people think. FBI is comparable to the 'SS'. They carry out the DOJ requests also with impunity. They both will lie to your face under oath. In a similar fashion, doctors have become worthless. They are still trying to force the vaccine. You have to self diagnose and self medicate if possible because the doctors cannot be trusted.


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