
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

POLK COUNTY, Fla. - A school bus attendant in Florida allegedly hit a child with a belt nine times, and is now facing felony child abuse charges. 

The Winter Haven Police Department says that Loni Covington, also known as Miss Loni, allegedly beat an 11-year-old boy on his side with a belt on November 15, 2022, according to FOX 13.


  1. I suspect the kid needed to be struck with a belt. And that if his parent(s) had used one more often at an earlier age he wouldn't have needed it at this age.

  2. Whats really sad, is I never read the article, just scanned the headline, and IMMEDIATELY came to the same conclusion as you.
    Its as if there is a specifc root cause to so many of our problems today... if only I could put my finger on it.

  3. I suspect that the little bastard probably asked for it, but be that as it may, Miss Loni sure enough didn't have the right to belt somebody's brat, whether they needed it or not.
    That's how people get shot, these days.

    1. Then raise your kid so that nobody has to. Frankly, it's the parents/grandparents that probably need to be beat with a belt. It used to be that any adult could discipline badly-behaved children. That was the true version of "it takes a village." Nowadays, not so much. And we have feral children as a result.

  4. I'm with Dan. We didn't need a belt. Just the threat of Mom's big hand was enough to make us mind. That or a harsh glance from Dad and we knew we better tread the straight and narrow.

  5. Touch my child I will kick your ass, and I don't care what the kid did. I'm the only one to discipline my child. And with a belt, yeah that bitch would have been in serious pain when I finished with her.

    1. You're not allowed to smack even your own kid

    2. So do the fucking job so others don't have to....

  6. Fuck the .gov. I hate the motherfucking .gov worse every fucking day. THEY are the reason you can't smack a smart ass kid. You'll get a visit from some fucking .gov agency and arrested for giving a kid what they deserve.

    Hell when I was growing up any mother in the neighborhood could smack any damn kid that deserved it - even if it wasn't her own. And it wasn't a problem. And the other kid's mother would thank them.

    I'm about pushed to my limit and better shut the fuck up before I say something that would get me arrested. And fuck - that's another thing - arrested just for saying shit.

  7. If she was smart, she'd let the kid stand up again. Get the bus up to say 45 then slam on the brakes. Problem solved.

  8. Read the article. The children say she made 3 siblings share a seat designed for 2 and that the child on the end frequently fell off the seat. Driver claims the child sassed her. Maybe the child said no, I am not going to keep falling off the seat because you won't let me sit somewhere else. Then the driver lied and said she only hit the floor and back of the seat with the belt but video showed her to be a liar. Video showed she lashed that kid 9 times. I din do nuffin.

  9. Amazing how many people are so eager to broadcast their approval of a government employee using an improvised weapon on a child. So y'all would tell your kids "no Becky, you either risk injury by using the seats improperly, or the public employee gets to beat the shit out of you, and you'll deserve it, you little shit." Eh? Public school is child abuse, but apparently that's what generation Alpha really needs... /S

  10. The bus driver really should not be physically disciplining someone else's kids, whether they need it or not. Allowing that opens the door for all sorts of crazy shit. The story reminds me of a great billboard I saw once in VA on I-95 - picture of a CO standing in front of a jail cell with the quote "Please discipline your children, so we don't have to".


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