
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

A driver was jailed after allegedly ramming the vehicle of a woman who flipped him off in a road rage incident. 

The woman said that at about 6:30 p.m. Thursday she had been northbound on U.S. 301 at County Road 462 and traveling behind a black Jeep Wrangler, when the driver of that vehicle “hit his brakes hard,” according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. She proceeded to pass him while giving him the middle finger.


  1. I once had an old guy tell me when someone cuts him off or does something stupid he said I say, "Bless You." Then he gets to hell away from them by slowing down or even pulling over to let the moron pass. I thought ya right. Then one day I tried it. For some reason it worked. I aint religious but as I looked at the jerks bumper speed away, I felt in control, I felt like the adult and I wasn't playing the game.

    1. The one and only time I've had to draw my weapon on someone was when I pulled over to let a moron pass.

      I was on a two-lane country road where the speed limit was 35. I was doing about 45 because I knew the road. This moron was right on my bumper the whole way. He was so close I couldn't see his headlights in the rear view mirror. Finally, I came to a place in the road wide enough for me to pull off. Apparently, slowing down to pull off so he could go by pissed him off even more. He stuck his car diagonally in front of me so I couldn't go anywhere without backing into traffic. He slammed his door open and came back towards me with blood in his eye and a wrench in his hand. When he got closer, I stuck a .38 revolver in his face and told him: "Get the f#$k back in your car and go on about your business!"

      And that, my friends, was exactly what he did. I never saw him again.

      Road rage is never a good thing, and I'm not trying to justify what the guy in this Florida story did. But I wonder if the whole thing started because she had her front wheels practically in the guys trunk. It happens to me all the time, but I never brake-check. I will, however, sometimes take my foot off the accelerator and coast down until they finally pass.

  2. It pisses them off when you won't play their game....

  3. A movie quote: I’m older and have better insurance 😋

  4. If someone gets close enough to tow I usually pick that time to give my windshield a very thorough washing. As long as the spray nozzles aren't on the wiper arms, the tailgater gets a damp window... unless it's a convertible or open roof.

  5. I just want to get from point A to point B. I'm too old for these games. We all meet up at the light.


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