
Friday, April 07, 2023

Just raising money for medical school, I'm sure

CHICAGO — A three-to-four person group committed eleven robberies across seven Chicago neighborhoods early Saturday morning, according to a community alert from the Chicago Police Department. 

Police described the group as being three-to-four Black males, 18-22 years in age, who were wearing dark-hooded sweatshirts, dark-colored pants and dark ski masks.


  1. “Black males, 18-22 years in age, who were wearing dark-hooded sweatshirts, dark-colored pants and dark ski masks.”

    Ah, the usual suspects!!!

  2. Thayze good boys. Dindu Nuffin.

    1. Jus’ turnin’ deys lives around’!!!

  3. Springtime for the Dindu. Time to put away the stolen designer winter puffy coats and get serious about plunder. Since this is Illinois and nothing is to be prosecuted, this is only the beginning. Notice the cops have 11 crime scenes worth of evidence and witnesses and they cannot even get a precise count of how many are involved or a better description of clothing aside from "dark colored".

  4. Hey, these dudes oughta just move to SanFranshitsco. They’ll get their $5M and $97K/year for 250 years and $1house! No need to rob! (In reality, if “reparations” were ever paid, 9 out of 10 recipients would be broke in less than a year.)

    1. Besides the whole absurdness of the issue, I am trying to wrap my head around the 250 years thing, I mean this country has not even lasted that long and may not be around for many more.
      Is it meant to be passed on to their children, do descendants of Wakanda live that long or wtf?
      I do enjoy watching some of the hearings, it is funny how this has become a modern day minstrel show or another episode of making the black people sing and dance for the promise of money. Some of the clowns do play the part,

  5. Obviously Divinity students in the church Of What's Happenin' Now


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