
Monday, April 03, 2023

New SWAT Shooting Video and DA Recusal Raise Investigation Conflict Concerns

“Ok everyone for now here is part 2 and a GoFundMe page that we really need help with along with pressure on the legal system to get justice and these officers charged,” Jason Kloepfer wrote in a Tuesday Facebook post. “We have not been home for one night since this happened and will not be for multiple reasons. The biggest one is fear of being murdered. The cost of living has been very high and on top of that paying our normal bills.   Please share all of this as far and wide as possible.”

That’s exactly what AmmoLand Shooting Sports News has been doing since its initial exclusive post in January presenting the original video of the Cherokee Indian Police opening fire on the unarmed man answering their demands to come out of his trailer while his hands were in the air, and highlighting the resulting inconsistencies from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department as it pointed fingers in its own Facebook post, denying responsibility, and flat-out spreading a narrative that has since proven to be false. (Angry and disbelieving reader reaction has since resulted in the department limiting who can comment on its posts, that is, the government agency is censoring citizens.)


  1. I wondered what had happened to this incident. The law enforcement agents are trying to cover it up, but there’s a lot of evidence.

  2. The popo are not your friend....

  3. Fuck those orcs, make em hang.

  4. The orc is a creation of the evil government. The orc does what the evil government commands the orc to do. This does not stop at the simple minded creature/orc the state created and commands. This goes much higher up. And like always we the passerby are only seeing what the evil government wants us to see. There is more to the lead up to this shooting. This entire affair stinks of rotten fish, oh and orc breath.

  5. Sometimes those "Defund the Poo-lice" people have a point

  6. All police are bad. ALL OF THEM.
    They choose paycheck and pension over resigning when they see the dirty cops all around them. They do not speak out.

    thin blue line my ass.

  7. Retired and wanted to drive and see the Mississippi River, as I had only seen it from the air. Planned to stop in Cherokee County as my halfway point then proceed to Memphis. Reason for a change of plans were due to cops in both locations. Not taking a chance now. Sheriff Taylor isn't around anymore.

    1. Save your money. It's just a big brown river.

  8. I live in the next county over. One issue that is not mentioned, if the victim lives in the county, not within the city limits, he is allowed to shoot guns on his property. I hear guns shots all the time by people practicing their 2A right on their property. The neighbor who called the copes, and the police themselves know better,

    1. I was sitting here yesterday morning listening to somebody rip off a few magazines of automatic gunfire just to the east of me and didn't hear a single siren.


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