
Monday, April 03, 2023

Saving Adriana Grace update

We've all been following BCE and Wifey Gretchen's efforts to gain custody of their granddaughter which has been a major shit show from Day One - the court system being the shit show, not BCE and Wifey's efforts. As much as I love Tennessee, the State's children's services suck major dick. It's like they go out of their way to make it as hard as possible to put a child in a loving and stable home.

This morning I caught an update over at the GiveSendGo account they've set up (help for legal fees) and well, hell, I'll just give you an excerpt:

So, now we have new issues to deal with.  AFA is off the case that we can tell.  Things are still 'hovering' but from all evidence, she's done, unless we come up with MORE cash.  And lately the donations have slid, which I can fully understand.  Things are sideways like you read about now, politically, financially and spiritually.  I love and appreciate all of you who've done what you can, and the Prayers have been beyond belief.  We're hoping for a miracle, but the fact AFA has sort of pulled the plug 'cos she's gotten the latest court docs, and not relayed anything to us yet, so we're fearing the worst.
AFA= Aggressive Female Attorney

Yeah. We've been cheering BCE on for I don't know how long, it seems like forever for us so I can only imagine how they feel, and I'd really hate to see them come this far and have their efforts fail because of money.
Man, I know things are tight, believe me I do, but if you can afford to kick down a couple bucks I know BCE and Gretchen will appreciate the hell out of it.
You can go HERE to donate and as long as you're there, check out the entire update and read about their latest visit.
Thank you.


  1. Despite ovations to the contrary, Family Court judges hate's built into their Lefty DNA. The Child Support System is a Federal-level grift, State agencies get cash back incentives from the Fed's for every collected CS dollar, which is why paying between parties is discouraged and often usurped into the "program". Children become a ward of the court until they decide when to let go. Follow the money, and don't ever assume these scumbags (most, not all) - from the judge, attorney's, and "social workers" - are doing anything in the child's best interest.

    Praying for a proper resolution.

    1. You've got that right. And it's even worse. Like the Utah criminal case that forced them to stop kidnapping kids from loving, stable homes, and then adopting them out, never to see their real families again. The government was doing so in order to bump up their adoption percentage numbers, in order to get bonus money from the feds.

      That continued, preying on the vulnerable and destitute (which is yet another reason illegal immigration is a bad thing) until the messed with one family that they THOUGHT was too poor to fight back. Turns out grandpa ran his own business, and objected in court strongly enough to expose the corruption.

      If you think the same shit isn't happening in other states, or if you think it isn't STILL happening in Utah (just with more stealth) you're still blindly trusting of government programs, IMHO.

      Child protective services exist for one reason, and one reason only: to employ ever increasing numbers of bureaucrats.

      So anything they can do to increase federal funding, take more children away, etc. is all to the good in their book. Unless that child would require counseling or special help or anything that would require spending money on something other than more bureaucrat's salaries. Then forget it, let them stay with their abusive parents until they get killed. Can't have them drain money from where it's supposed to go, after all!

  2. Thanks for this. I donated a few months back, always intending to keep it up, but haven't. I made another donation a few minutes ago. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Sadly, this is their 'plan' the people out of money with extraneous BS filings and demands until they give up and let the state do what they want.

  4. I am on their mailing list and saw this. I plan on donating, but was ripped off from a vendor on my bank account, so had to cancel my debit card. I went and got a new one, but there is a problem with it, so i will send them a bit when i get my card straightened out. It will only be a couple of bucks, but that is how we as a group are strong. We can always send 5-10-20 bucks, and it adds up. And this is the kind of issue that matters, not just for the adults, but mostly for the little girl. And don't forget that prayer is important. When I say that I will pray for something, I am the kind that actually means it, and does it. And I think that it makes a difference. Thanks Wirecutter, for keeping everyone informed about this. It will mean the world for this young girl, when she is finally in a stable home with people who love her and will care for her.

  5. Afa wants the money. Just like a doc who never cures anyone. I gave twice but now I am retired. Next time BCE and co have visitation take the kid and run. Works for scum bags, should work for them.

  6. Lawyers are all about billable time. They are heartless. Where the orc is mindless. So child court, divorce court its all about keeping the two parties paying, the lawyers drag it out foreva.


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