
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

After Covenant Shooting, Gov. Lee Met with Far-Left State Senator Who Just Introduced 17 Gun Control Bills

According to State Sen. Heidi Campbell (D-Nashville), also a candidate for mayor of Nashville, Gov. Bill Lee (R) met with Campbell in early April before he announced his August special session of the General Assembly, the focus of which will be to pass red flag gun control laws. 

“I met with the Governor prior to his announcement of the special session but have not heard from him about this bill package,” Campbell told The Tennessee Star Friday. “My office would welcome the opportunity.” 

Thursday, Campbell announced that she introduced 17 anti-gun bills, including a red flag law, which Lee says he is specifically pursuing during the upcoming special session.


  1. I can write the script for the August Special Session: One or more of the Tennessee Three will say "Boo!" and the RINO Supermajority will back into a corner, crying like schoolgirls, and pass a bunch of laws specifically prohibited by NYSRPA v Bruen.

  2. We have tried all sorts of common sense gun legislation's for generations that did not stop this. It is time to have the common sense discussion about democrat limits within what is left of our civil and moral society.

  3. Not long ago I considered moving to Tennessee. This is just crazy.

    1. Its literally like 8 counties around the nashvegas area, knox county, and memphrica.
      The rest of the state you would love. Moved here 8 years ago.

    2. Anonymous 1:31, can confirm.

  4. Well isn't SHE just a ray of sunshine?! Someone should hold that Dimokkkrat down and tattoo "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" on her forehead.

  5. Simple Solution....Ban "Trans" from having Firearms....Being "Trans" is Prima Facie evidence of mental/emotional disqualification due to Mental Illness.

  6. Soon very soon, citizens like this will be endangered, as they expose themselves as true poison to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Remember we are promised Life,Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness from out Creator. These examples of followers of satan will burn in the eternal pit fire. God knows that lots of us would hasten their arrival to that fiery pit.


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