
Friday, May 12, 2023

And I'll leave you with this:



  1. She looks like a fun girl

  2. The girl in the .gif (Niece Waidhofer) did some online porn (pretty hot thing) and committed suicide for some reason several years ago. She had that "girl next door vibe". Kind of sad to leave so young.

    1. Here she is "roast me" style:

    2. That’s sad to hear about he suicide, she was a beautiful young lady.

    3. I believe this is Sasha Grey who was in the HBO show ‘Entourage’, sad to hear about Ms. Waidhofer though.

    4. Neither of the women in this post is Niece Waidhofer. One is unknown (belly dancer) and one is pornstar Sasha Grey. Maybe get your eyes checked? Because you *must* be blind if you thought either of those girls looked like Niece Waidhofer.


  3. #1 When she moves her hips up to her finger tips. Now that is a cutie.

  4. Looks like she forgot to remove her Ben Wah balls. How do we know? Turn up the volume and you'll hear the clacking sound.

    1. Gee so she's enjoying her workouts?

      What a pity. (Sarc).

      Sad part is so many cuties get involved with the predatory porn industry and become drug ridden suicides.

      But then again Epstein didn't kill himself and Ghislaine Maxwell is in Prison for selling the services of children to apparently NOBODY.

      But lets make fun of fallen girls, eh?

    2. Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking. Otherwise, if others are watching you it’s not really about being moral anymore. And if you want to be an observant human being who cares about others, then you need to have your own standards for integrity through which to operate.

      Thoughts become habits, habits become automatic responses and you're wondering what happened to your reputation.

      Soon enough the ability to be anonymous in a crowd will fade as chaos demands real loyalty and honor.

      A flippant smirky comment to a disabled neighbor's kid or a busty little kid will get you shunned or killed in the coming civil war when folks are already techy.

      I think Robert Heinlein said a few things about duty, honor and self respect.

      You might want to brush up on it.

  5. I never really understood why men talk down on whores. I kind a like them. Some of the kids I grew up with took that route and I always and still call them my friends. Of course they are old and left the trade along time ago. I figure whores have saved more cold marraiges then any shrink or priest. Many men that dump on these women would have been raised without dear ol dad had it not been for these ladies of the night. Best part is they kept their mouths shut. Go screw a coworker or a neighbor and the wife and the world will soon know. These woman have a tendancy to expect a relationship or get a thrill out of destroying a marriage one. Not so with a rental. I used them in the military and I sure was glad they were there. Wasn't time for wining and dining and a young buck needs to get his ashes hauled on occasion.

  6. Other women are absolutely brutal to them, forget the male snark here. I suspect the male snark is from men who are not getting any, and feel they can up their odds if they trash one of these women to their significant other- it is a form of white knighting, pedestalizing their own in hopes of a crumb of affection falling their way. Women hate them because it is competition, also they may be expected to do something other than be an occasional, grudging starfish. They may also be jealous of them, since they can catch the male eye when they can't or are not willing to. I do not hate them, I recognize these women are somebody's daughter. I am not here to pick one of them up, but damn it if I am going to put them down.

  7. Whats it called when women go to a bar and buy one drink. Hook up with some guy that buys them drinks all night long then she screws him? Or a lady picked up at home all dressed up. Taken for a lovely wine and dine then dancing and a good shagging never spending a dime. Maybe it's callled barter? How many times you seen men and women at a table and the women says to the waitress, set the table up, I'm buying? Prostitution comes in many forms.

  8. Wait, was she about to pull her top off? I'd be very disappointed if you didn't al least give us a link to it...

  9. Is that Sasha Grey? I'm never sure when she doesn't have her fist rammed up somebody's ass.


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