
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light beer maker, loses top LGBTQ+ rating over Dylan Mulvaney ad response

NEW YORK -- Last year, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation gave Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch a top rating for LGBTQ+ equality. But because of how the company handled backlash to a sponsored post by Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender woman, it's now off the list.


  1. "Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender woman" Dylan Mulvany a transgender nut job.


    P.S. when did transgender get included as a whole word in the Firefox dictionary? Asking for a friend.


    1. Q- "When did transgender get included as a whole word in the Firefox dictionary?"

      A- About five seconds before 'Transphobic' got included as a whole word in the Firefox dictionary.

      The Godless Communist Nut Jobs have been busy over the past couple of years.

    2. The "transgenders" who havent had bottom and top surgeries are posers. Wanna go in the women's bathroom? Get a boob job and have your dick turned inside out. Otherwise, you don't really mean it. Get your genes out of the gene pool. One way trip.

    3. In a nutshell:
      "Chop it, or stop it".

    4. Ding, Ding, how true. Not to mention these are some of the worst caricatures of women of all time. It is like they are trying to be women of some 50's comic book.

  2. Bud Light was crap, faux beer long before the fag dude in a costume showed up

  3. How does that old saying go? Lay down with dogs wake up with fleas (with apologies to dogs everywhere).

  4. I read they are going to have a big sale on their beer for Memorial Day. Don't buy the shit. Let them know it's not about price and you cannot be bought off. What could be more about American values, honor and respect than Memorial Day? However, if you do choose to buy the shit, Fuck you.

  5. Dirty Dingus McGeeMay 23, 2023 at 4:30 PM

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Deep breath. Ha ha ha ha ha. Sucks to be them.

  6. The word "inclusion" has become a swear word to me. Like rainbow, pride and diversity, it's a next step to them legalizing sex with our children. I hope to F<ck someone grabs a pair of balls and puts a f-ing stop to this madness and SOON!!!

    1. I would MUCH rather be speaking German.

  7. I'm just all broken up (gushing sarcasm)

  8. To add well deserved insult to injury, in addition to sales plummeting, AB is having to purchase "expired" beer from their wholesalers. I guess they wish they had never started the "born on date" thing or the "let's encourage the out of work broadway grifter" thing now.

  9. Anheuser-Busch has always been a second rate beer.
    It just took a perverted mental patient to convince others of that fact.

  10. Bud now selling as low as $3.50 for a 24 pack. LOL.

    1. Let me know where, that's much cheaper that paper targets and twice as fun. Bonus, you can also video the practice and add it to the others on yewtube.

    2. After a $15 rebate, if this is for real.

      As seen at Woodsterman/ Odie's

  11. I would say, Who Cares?, but I really care about destroying Team Trans.

  12. Y'all see the "Harley Davidson special edition" cans of Budweiser? I guess Harley is now tranny bikes too.

  13. So they received the top alphabet rating, only to see their sales plummet... Seems some ratings you should not pursue... just sayin...

  14. I am not sure what a "Social media influencer" is supposed to do . I haven't heard the term much before Dildo Mudveiny hit the airwaves ,I guess hesheit defiantly has had an influence but not quite the one that A.B. was hoping for . Now they are stuck, if they back away , from Dildo Mudveny the lgbtq+the rest of the alphabet bunch will be offended and call Bud Lite transphobic ,and if they don't do some kind of damage control the brand will soon be worthless. Interesting times for sure.


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