
Friday, May 05, 2023

California’s Rainbow Color Revolution Just Felled Tennessee, And It’s Not Stopping There

Did you notice that what should have been an obvious moral victory for the right a few weeks ago—when a transgender lunatic in Tennessee murdered six Christians—became instead, a civil rights triumph for the far left?

Instead of seeing headlines afterward like, “Left-wing terror targets innocent people for their religious beliefs during an apparent left-wing hate crime,” we got headlines about the racist Tennessee Republicans who expelled two black state representatives. 


Somehow the author of this article came under the impression that Nashville and Memphis are part of Tennessee, or at least represent the views of the entire State.


  1. Shelby and Davidson Counties are not in any way representative of the Tennessee population. They are closer to Ill's Cook County both in demographics and corruption.

  2. Now you know why night riders existed…..

  3. But he did get the "weak government" part right.

  4. Progressives are Neurotic, obsessed, hate filled, shrewd and 100% dedicated 24/7, 365 to getting the job done of destroying America and turning it into a Socialist paradise. Laissez faire Conservatives think America will remain a 1950s style Constitutional Republic forever by indulging in feel good pipe dreams and believing in fucking magic. Nothing is forever and we're living on the cusp of serious change like it or not.

    1. What you call serious change Ronaldus Magnus called a thousand years of darkness.

  5. Yes, just like Portland Metro does not really represent Oregon. My fix: Take every metro area over a certain population and force them to be their own state.

    1. You can include much of the I-5 corridor.

  6. The entire article reads like it was written by someone who has never left Southern California. Which is where to the best of my ability I determined she lives. Just as biased and bigoted about the South as anything written by the SPLC.

    1. I had a completely different take on her article. She's sounding the alarm to red states to wake up and to not get Californiacated by an insurgency of leftists from both inside and outside of their states. When she uses expressions like 'hicks' she's using the term sarcastically, pointing out that it's terms like that that are used by the people who want to change their states. Her whole article is dripping with sarcastic cracks which tells me how much she despises the left, especially Gavin Newsom and his First Partner.

      I tried to find her bio but she keeps it on the down low, as she knows if she goes public she'll be targeted by the character assassins, like Gavin and his proxies.

  7. I'm a born-and-raised Tennessean, and I've said for 40 years that Memphis is either East Arkansas or North Mississippi. Due to work, I've spent a lot of time there (and 7 months at NAS Millington), and that ain't Tennessee.
    --Tennessee Budd

  8. Memphis and Nashville are the only reasons I didn't move to TN. I want to live in a state without a big city if possible so WV was my choice.

    Jeremy P


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