
Friday, May 12, 2023

Chicago too?

CHICAGO - The Anheuser-Busch controversy keeps boiling over, and now, some Chicago bars have had enough.


It's probably not that big of an impact - I've always figured Chicago to be a malt liquor kind of town anyway.


  1. Gay bars? How fuckin stupid is that. How about pedophile bars. I don't believe I've ever seen a hetrosexual bar. If one was advertised hell would be raised.

  2. I believe racial arsonist Jessie Jackson and clan own the AB distributorship in Chicago. Part of a keep the people of color off our corporate backs payoff, years ago.

    1. Jackson should have been arrested decades ago on RICO charges.

  3. 'Tis only the West and South sides where they consume a great deal pf Malt Liquor.

  4. It has been said that a pile of horse shit is made one turd at a time. If enough of these small places continue to drop the AB products, it will eventually add up to a rather large amount, that will get the attention of the leadership, and will not allow them to continue to simply parse their verbal way around it.
    A few billion dollars is not just a drop in the bucket, since it will snowball the more that people see why it is dropping. By this point, there cannot be very many people who are not aware of the reason for the backlash of the AB bottom line. And likely the brewing company is just the tip of the iceberg. Pretty soon, other companies will be scared to touch that type of advertising, for fear of the same thing happening to them.

    1. Well thanks to biden handling the border just as he handled Afghanistan. Ab is going Spanish....

  5. Well, the South Side is definitely malt liquor territory....and the north doesn't drink beer.

  6. Ralph Abernathy wrote an interesting book on Jackson about 30 years ago

  7. Up here in the GWN, I see that blue crud piling up, and ifn it don't move it goes off fast. Meanwhile the cunts at the liquor store take Russian Standard off the shelf cuz slava krane. The fucking morons paid for the product already...guess which one has the shelf life to be re-sold at some future date? Burn in hell commies!

    Chutes Magoo


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