
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

FDA Bans Farmers from Caring for Their Own Animals Without Costly Vet Approval

For the last, oh, I don’t know… forever… ranchers and farmers large and small have taken care of their livestock with antibiotics and antimicrobials that were available at farm stores. These medicines treat common illnesses and infections that people who own large animals and livestock are very familiar with and qualified to treat. They have been trusted to do so for as long as these medicines have been available. The first chicken antibiotics were introduced in 1948. Since then, there has been no call nor reason to regulate these items. Many farmers and ranchers tend to many of their animals’ veterinary needs, which is a part of being a responsible animal handler who needs to keep costs down.


Another fine example of how more government interference equals higher prices for the consumers.


  1. Elections are absolutely NOT going to fix this insanity or put a complete STOP to the people who push this.

  2. hell, there was very few times my grandfather ever called a vet. and all of his critters where
    healthy as hell. might this have something to do with the fact that the asshole Gates wants to inject all critters with his evil VAX too ? they trying to VAX any and all critters than might enter the food supply with that shit. dave in pa.

  3. Problem is that people could get Ivermectin via horse medicine during the Covid BS and the Govt tried their best to keep all Ivermectin out of the citizens hands. This will solve the government’s issue and fuck citizens (and farmers with higher costs, which we will ultimately have to pay).

    1. After looking into it further, Dewormers (Ivermectin) and Vaccines (MRNA delivery devices) are not covered by this rule, at this time. MH

  4. Does the FDA even have that kind of regulatory power? Or is it pulling an EPA and issuing regulations that in fact it has no power to issue? If I had to guess, I'd say the FDA doesn't have that power.

  5. This happened because people, farmers, ranchers, preppers, and self-reliance types, mostly, figured out that "fish antibiotics" are EXACTLY THE SAME as "people antibiotics," and have ben squirreling the stuff away for "future use." We can't have that, now can we? I mean, people actually being able to CARE for THEMSELVES in an emergency? Therefore the regulations. Meanwhile however, at our southern border, MILLIONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS are entering our country carrying the belief that penicillin is a nutritional supplement. 'Don't believe me? Go to any "farmacia" south of the border and you see on the counter, in plain sight, things like chewing gum infused with penicillin... It's OTC. Anyone can buy it. Never mind the "self-medication" the cartels are ferrying into our neighborhoods...

    1. So Canada went this route. If you had a fush get ick you used to toss 10cents of fish meds into the tank and be good. Now you have to stress it outtaking it to the vets, youget a $70 vet bill, $7 dispensing fee and a $20 drug charge.

      Its killed the pet fish industry. If your fish is under $100 you are better off flushing it and getting a new one. I knew a guy whobred fish, he got out of the business as ut became a loss.


  6. It's not the Federal Government that's ill: it's "We the People" that're ill for putting up with this

  7. What do you suppose would happen if people in large numbers just stopped obeying all the stupid rules, not laws, promulgated by unelected government workers?

  8. There is one actual problem with the free market in veterinary antibiotics. Some farmers added antibiotics to the cattle feed every day - not to treat any disease, but because beef calves grow faster on antibiotics. They were breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria!

  9. Next time they release an engineered bio-weapon the public will be helpless. AS PLANNED

  10. This FDA rule has been in effect in California for several years now. It was a problem for us but our work around was a friend and neighbor who also had a home in Reno, and gladly bought whatever we needed and brought it to us on his next trip over the hill. Now that supply is about to end.

    If I remember right, when California first started talking about doing what they did (which is what the FDA is about to do), it was pretty obviously done at the behest of either the U.N. or the World Health Organization. I believe it was the WHO that was concerned about "the overuse of antibiotics" by the simpletons that produce most of our food.

  11. I just found another agency to ban.

  12. Wait, WHAT? Haven't farmers been doing this forever?

    This is a bunch of asshole, save the animal and stop-the-farting bureaucrats, with nothing better to do than to fuck over all the hard working farmers that 'harm' animals.

  13. The FDA, and FJB, including Gates, want to control everything. Farmers have been injecting their livestock for years cutting out the vets. The vets will get their piece of the action, and so will the FDA, FJB, and Gates.

    1. There aren't enough vets. I've got a small herd and had a cow get an abscess. Not something I had dealt with before. Tried to find a Vet and the only guy in my rural area who used to make farm visits has retired. Not a lot of large animal vets, in part because there has been low demand because farmers couldn't afford a vet. Margins are small enough as it is.

  14. A lot of folks here are missing a key part, anyone who was buying animal antibiotics for off label use now must see a vet... so much for stashing fish penicillin for a rainy day.

  15. Is it true that a dozen or so hogs can almost completely consume a government agent, I mean, a human body in less than 4 hours? Asking for a friend.

  16. FDA, another agency with too much power, too many useless people making poor decisions. Time to drastically cut the FDA's budget.

    1. And move headquarters to Hayes Kansas.


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