
Friday, May 19, 2023

Fucking Drama Queens

Threats of violence against the LGBTQIA+ community are on the rise and intensifying, according to a new briefing by the Department of Homeland Security.


  1. Remember, the "+" is for pedophiles, beastiality, furries, polygamy, robot lovers, and any other perversion or abnormality someone can come up with. It always starts with wanting tolerance, and ends with "you shall accept and participate our mental illness or we will impart violence on you."

    I will be happy to ventilate as necessary.

  2. LIES. Sorry, pointing out biology, not going along with your mental illness delusions, etc. is NOT violence against you. When the violence comes, you'll know it.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableMay 19, 2023 at 7:08 PM

      What all this boils down to is sanctioning mental illness. Reality is most Humans are confident they're what God made them as. Thinking otherwise is abhorrent. Government must not sanction it. In fact government needs to STFU.

  3. Defund DHS. Eliminate the agency, fire the employees, sell the material and buildings on eBay

  4. I'll bet those 'threats' are coming from the phantom White Supremacist army we keep hearing about, but nobody can point out.

  5. As they well outta be. Turns out the Elders were on point regarding the proscription of homosexuality from societies….this is what happens when you allow this shit in the open. Plain as day…..and now we are going to have to do shit we didn’t ever want to do in order to protect our children. We act like we’re sooo smart and “evolved” when it’s the same old shit that been expierenced and addressed by the Elders more than once in the history of Humans.

    And while I’m ranting, the hypersexualization of EVERYTHING has to stop. There is more to life than who yer fucking, what you wanna fuck, and how you wanna fuck to life.

    TeeRoy Jenkins

    1. The last part of your rant is spot on.
      When I was a youngster, I liked sex but it wasn't the only thing I liked. It damned sure didn't identify who or what I was as a person.

  6. LGBTQIA. Not sure about this. Let's Go Brandon of course is easy, so is the Ijiots and Aholes, 'T' for 'too small so I must be a girl'. But 'Q'? as in Question the stupidity of the left.

  7. I carry an card around with me that states, I'm deaf/mute, in case an interaction with these discustoids happens.

    Chutes Magoo

    1. That's terrible. It should say hearing and speech impaired. Your welcome.

      Evil Franklin

  8. Maybe they should get back in the closet & leave us alone.

  9. "The bill banned classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade."
    ...kindergarten through third grade. Read that again. And then read it again. There was a time in this country when even thinking this garbage is supposedly ok would get your ass kicked. We need to return to that old fashioned tradition.
    The left says we are violent, domestic terrorists; that we are unreasonable extremists; etc. - and looking for a fight.
    It's time to prove them correct. "They" want this fight. Let's give it to them, good and hard.

  10. The scum has risen to the top. Time for some skimming.

  11. No fucks to give. They brought it on themselves.


  12. The way things are going Mother Nature, after seeing how fucking stupid humans are, will eventually, through evolution, create screw on tits and dicks.

  13. DHS says…more yote yappin!
    DHS Says alot….of BS.

  14. If you don't want to be a target, keep your head down.

    1. Just means the bullet will enter through the top of your head instead of your face.

      Evil Franklin

  15. If we were as violent as they claim, they wouldn't be making any such claims.


  16. Why would threats be on the rise for the LG HDTV community?

  17. Perhaps DHS should show more concern over the threats FROM this mentally unstable group.

    I have no issue with the L, G, or B types. It's every damn letter after that's just pure toxic swill.

    1. While I don't much care for the L,G or B types it wasn't until any of them started forcing there feces on me that I took offense.

      Evil Franklin


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