
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Good Morning



  1. My daughter used to dress up our dog Daisy Dew. Early seventies sitting there with a good buzz and out of my daughters room would come Daisy all dressed up for the Ball. She sure was a great dog. I still miss her, always will.

    1. What breed of dog was Daisy?

    2. The was a black lab mix with I think irish settler. Vet thought so too. My daughter was about five when we found her at the SPCA. Her whole side was mange and they had to cut the chain out of her neck. They said she is not for sale and will be put down this morning. I told them, we are not leaving without this dog. My girl and I stood firm. My daughter named her Daisy. My kid is now fifty and still speaks of Daisy Dew. Yes, as a fifty-one year old adult my kid has always had dogs and does to this day.

    3. Nice story. Thanks.
      The great thing about pound and rescue dogs is that they'll love you like no other.

      But maybe my opinion is biased, as I've never had a dog that wasn't one or the other. :-)

  2. Two lucky kids and a great dog.

  3. Plain clothes body guard with a sweet assignment. Just don't mess with his charges

  4. had a Shepard mix when my kids where growing up. 2 of them learned to walk by holding on to his fur. and my girls used to do dumb shit like this to him too. he was a great hunting dog.
    except when it came to rabbits. those belong to him. or so he thought. he lasted 17 years before I had to put him down. cried for a week afterwards. his hips kept going out on him.
    blind for at least a year but still got around well. but when he started falling down and crying, I knew it was time for him. jack was a damn good dog. a 20 dollar pound hound..
    dave in pa.

  5. We got a lab. rott. pup when the boys were 3&2 she was thier best bud and body guard for the next 11yrs. Best dog ever. R.I.P. CHOPPER


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