
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Got Bacon?

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to California's Proposition 12, a statewide ban on the sale of pork from pigs housed in cages or crowded group pens that prevent them from turning around freely.

The ruling, which animal welfare advocates hailed as a "watershed moment," could have a major impact on thousands of farmers, millions of pregnant pigs -- and the prices Americans pay at the grocery store for one of the country's most popular meats.


  1. You would think at some point companies outside of California would simply stop selling in California. Change rules on pig farming, no pork shipments for you! That'll learn 'em real fast.

    Also note that the majority of people that wanted this change probably don't even eat pork. Typical liberal bullshit, pass some feel good law that hurts others, doesn't affect them, and doesn't really do any good whatsoever.

    1. Also note that the majority of people that wanted this change probably don't even eat pork. Typical liberal bullshit, pass some feel good law that hurts others, doesn't affect them, and doesn't really do any good whatsoever."
      The same sort of people that help vote a town/county "dry" and then move.

    2. I'm telling ya, the more we isolate CA, the more avenues for China or some jackass turd world country to establish itself in the U.S.. Sacrificing a state of the union is not the way to go.

      What needs to happen is to put down every damn commie and commie sympathizer. You may interpret 'put down' any way which seems fit. And every last one of their policies, regulations, and laws need be rescinded utterly, immediately.

    3. I hate to tell you this, but California has already been hijacked by the Cartels (they own the legislature, which in effect turned California into one giant marijuana grow) and China (Newsom's no-bid contract with a Chinese company that makes electric busses to supply a billion dollars worth of N95 masks at the beginning of the Plandemic).

    4. Elmo, I am aware of what you say. However, while the cartel and China in CA are so far unofficial and they are small scale relative to when the gloves come off, when, say China makes official their state presence in CA.

      I can imagine full blown state sanctioned, diplomatic recognition of China firmly established in CA. Imagine a China embassy in CA recognizing CA as its own country. They don't act that way yet, officialy speaking. They still pretend CA is a state in the Union. I think the way it is going, its not far off that China will officially recognize CA as a sovereign state unfettered by the Union of States. Actually a vassal of China. At that point, why wouldn't there be foreign battalions and divisions home ported on the NA continent?
      Off course they'll then push to expand their borders.

      My proposal is small fire teams to arrest every damn commie in CA right now. CA already would not relinquish control of sea ports and airports of entry.
      Its the few in that state's govt which are the problem. Much easier to take out them than to isolate an entire state

  2. I raise my own and hunt the wild ones.

    Fuck the government and the courts.....

  3. I'll be raising and hunting for sure.

    1. Oh sure, you and everyone else. For how long? And how to protect?

      FYI: I know well two families within CA with large swine ops. Cow/calf ops even more. Multigeneration in each case. One family has (had?) the largest polled Hereford herd in the state. After six generations, they moved their operation to TN. They donated a lot of their herd to various universities. Many family members still in CA trying to work their plan.
      But the damn state keeps changing regs and such.
      (FYI: TN has long had the largest polled Hereford herd in the nation.)
      A 5th gen rice farmer in the north is trying so very hard to not have the family farm get sold off on his watch. But the damn state keeps him and others in jeopardy, especially with cutting theie water rights.

      I've written a lot here but in actuality it is only a glimpse of what has been, and is, happening. I get so made I spit nails. The solution is easy to see but hard to do.

    2. Some of the obstacles my family's cow/calf operation has faced in the last few years are:

      A tripling of the fee paid to the state water control board for each of the three ponds on the property.

      The new law requiring a vets' prescription for use of the antibiotic LA 200 (brand name), which we use primarily to treat pinkeye, a very common problem in our hot, dry corner of California. If we had a vet come out every time we had a cow or calf with pinkeye we'd be broke in a year.

      The increasing expense of insurance on the property, which is located in a low elevation grassland with areas of Blue Oak patches. Not a huge fire risk, other than it's remote location.

      The increasing expense of supplemental feed, which is in no small part a problem created by the state cutting water allotments to the folks that grow alfalfa (a water intensive crop).

      There are other problems we face, but these are just a few that are exacerbated by state politicians that would just as soon see our cattle operation disappear. Farm to Fork my ass.
      BTW, we're fourth, soon to be fifth, generation. Our place began in 1854, four years after California became a state. And we're hoping for the best, as beef market prices have finally climbed out of the cellar and we're now being paid what the cattle are actually worth.

  4. My Filipino in-laws have their own pork network, and they don't worry.

  5. Lotta comments here about removing commies. It’s becoming a common theme these days. Keep your list updated for when the green star cluster goes up. Then its open season on commies.

  6. LMAO - CA only made their pork cost more.

    Supply of specially raised pigs for CA will be filled by the market on that side of the country & big processors will say they sourced cage free pork for CA sales so big biz isn't affected by anything more than higher margins

    Meanwhile China crossed the mark where their carbon footprint alone is more than EVERY other nation combined. Yet China gets an exemption from emissions reductions until 2035?

    It's all bullshit


  7. Now I'm going to need to go to Reno and smuggle ribs and bacon to this Liberal shithole when I make ammunition runs.


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