
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Great COVID Ventilator Death Cover-up

Tens of thousands of Americans died after being placed on mechanical ventilators in spring 2020. It’s long past time we got real answers as to how many were killed this way.

Early COVID data from China had suggested that ventilators would need to be used widely in the treatment of COVID patients, and this led to a major rush by politicians and hospitals to procure tens of thousands of ventilators. A small sample of the headlines from that period.


  1. Ventilator AND remdesivir

    1. Exactly, very few perfectly healthy people could survive a ventilator and rundeathisnear combination. Fraudchi knew exactly what he was doing, it's all about depopulation.

    2. He did the same thing during AIDS and killed a lot of people then as well.

  2. The problem with ventilators is that it forces air (and dirt and bacteria) down farther into the respiratory system. People with polio forced into iron lungs lived for decades owing to the more natural method of drawing air into the lungs. The body's natural defenses to germs could take effect. The death rate of covid patents just put on oxygen was much lower than the use of ventilators.

    1. If you are interested in the polio epidemic, “The Moth In The Iron Lung” is a very interesting book.

  3. I have to do yearly exams to meet VA requirements. Right off I say, I know you have to ask these questions and I'll tell you no to every annoculation. I don't want your shots and do not trust the medical profession as to what is in those shots. I sit and look at them, they talk their shit and I refuse to respond. They finally shut their traps, do their mini exam and I'm good for another year. I'm not a prick about nor do I come across as angry. There just is no reason for discussion. I have to admit one female Doc, who was an idiot, tried scare tactics with me saying i have men on ventilators saying I wish I had listened to you! They are in such pain and dying. When she looked at me for a response I sat there a bit and finally said, are you done? Boy she was pissed off. Turned and was banging on her keyboard. She was the one mad and was probably typing that I was a hostile patient er some shit. Ha.

    1. You and I must have had the same Pulmonary doc! Almost an identical speech, topped off with, "If you won't do it for your own protection, do it for all the other veterans in the hospital."

      I, literally, got thrown out of the pulmonary department and black-listed. She (the doc) is the only Pulmonologist on staff at my VA. That happened in late 2021.

      Flash forward to April 2023 and I was visiting my Oncologist (right across the hall from the Pulmonologist) and she gave the same spiel and treatment to a WWII vet who was in a wheelchair and she pushed out of the exam room and then slammed the door shut. He said, "That's fine. I'm retired. I'll just sit here and let you walk around me all day until you calm down." A nurse quickly wheeled him to the check-out desk and then pushed him out the front entrance doors.

      Blue Tile Spook

  4. As a medic and a nurse, I can tell you this:
    Intubation and mechanical ventilation is the standard for treating respiratory failure. I wasn't working in healthcare during the spring of 2020, but my son was. A person is having trouble breathing and has O2 sats in the 70's, they are getting tubed. That worked very well, up until COVID.
    In the beginning, they did what we had always done for respiratory failure, and it wasn't working. It took a couple of months to work out that proning the patients out and putting them on very high flow oxygen was the way to go. There was a learning curve with COVID. It was such a new illness that it required a new approach when the old methods weren't working.
    That's how it's being done now- but in the beginning, it wasn't. That's why to this day I believe that the COVID-19 is an engineered bioweapon.

    1. From the very beginning I knew we were being lied to (again). I knew wearing masks was a dog and pony show and I never got a shot. I also never tested positive, mainly because I never took a test. And if I had taken a test and was shown to be positive I would not have gone to the local hospital. I would have done what I could (Ivermectin) at home and would take my chances at home, believing my odds of survival would have been better at home than going to my local hospital.

      BTW, since forever the local joke the about the hospital here is "SNMH is where people go to die".

    2. Come to think of it, I just thought of a better slogan for SNMH, since they're now affiliated with Dignity Healthcare. Their new slogan should be "Dying with Dignity". Heh.

    3. the vaccines are. germ theory is crap. the vaxxes and electromagnetism.

    4. Huh? Do you require medical assistance?

  5. The hospitals were incentivized to positive test you, send you home with no early treatment only to come back worse, then you get remdesivir, which kills your kidneys, so you cannot pee, then they put you on a vent while still giving you remdesivir and you end up drowning from the saline IV, so they tell your kin you died of covid pneumonia and the hospital gets bonus money for each step including kill you.. Untold tens of thousands were killed by hospitals this way as it was the Fauci protocol.

  6. "Data from China" or just more lies to justify genocide? Stop pretending these were accidents or mistakes. This was a mass murder operation.

  7. Kenny sending you a video to review prior to posting along this topic line.

  8. Cytokine storm is the lung problem
    SARS-CoV virus causes the lungs to fill from massive viral replication (virus overwhelming the body)
    Nothing new here - except fauXi et al "experts" saying wuflu was potentially something different than every other SARS-CoV bug that came before it

    Knowing full well ionophores w zinc (loads the cells w zinc - zinc kills the virus = stops the replication that causes Cytokine storm. See fauXi study of HCQ in 2005 that proves exactly this - we should have been treating the symptoms, not trying to vax everyone from a virus that can't be eradicated

    The Spanish flu that killed millions is what we know today as influenza aka the annual flu bug. All these virus' act the same.

    It's impossible to eradicate w vax bc they mutate too quickly & arguably trying to vax everyone in the middle of a pandemic is itself bad medicine as vax leakage (vaxed but still get sick) promotes variants. Only vax the most at risk

    Now we are once again taught the lesson of the immutable need for long term safety and efficacy studies before jabbing billions of people as we see low vax nations are having best long term outcomes

    In high vaxed areas cause of death "unknown" is prevalent. REMEMBER: Experts told us DDT & asbestos was good shit.

    25% of all drugs are recalled for health & safety concerns. 100% were FDA approved.


    1. WTF you talking about DDT for? DDT was and is good shit. It's the reason there's no malaria in the US. (Well, that and wealthy enough to afford sleeping nets and window screens etc. but mostly the DDT.)

      The only problem with DDT is accumulation in the food chain, and that only really matters if you think it's the reason that the California Condor is endangered. (It's not the reason, though I'm sure it contributed.) And if you also think the condor going extinct really matters one way or the other.

      Either way, no Malaria in exchange for one subspecies of vulture going extinct? That's a trade the African nations aren't being ALLOWED to make today, and which anyone who isn't PETA would take in a hot minute.

      John G.


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