
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Governor Lee signs bill saying teachers don’t have to use student’s preferred pronouns

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — The state legislature passed an avalanche of anti-LGBTQ+ bills this year, leading to frustration from the community it affects. 

“One of the biggest emotions that I have had to deal with and a lot of other folks have had to deal with is unsurmountable fear,” said Tennessee Equality Project’s Jace Wilder.


  1. I hope the attitude is changing. This shit needs to come to an end. Slowly we are seeing people speaking out and pretty much saying enough of this fantasy and insane bullshit.

  2. They should feel free to move to one of the anti children states. I hate walking on egg shells around people that are bat sh*t crazy for fear that if I miss pronoun them that I'll suddenly be the center of an angry mob.

    I had to work with someone that BSC a number of years back. I didn't realize how much I hated it until the utter relief I felt hearing that they had died.

  3. First of all, show me a situation where a trans person was placed in harm's way due to a law like this. This asshole is saying he might have to leave the state in fear for his life. Gee, over-react much. It's not going to happen. We all know full well if a trans person is so much as glared at by someone, the news is all over it...and it has not happened. Making an issue out of nothing.

    Second, your rights stop when they infringe on my rights. You can ASK me, and others to call you something, but we do not need the govt to FORCE us to do so. If someone calls you a pronoun that upsets what. Get over it jerk. What rights have been taken from you? The answer is...NONE. You got hoo. What happened to stick and stones names will never harm you? But if I am FORCED to call you something I do not believe in, well that infringes on my right to speak freely. I am not only offended...I am FORCEFULLY made to shut up. So, which is worse?

    And since when do we cater to a percentage of the population of what...less than 1%? So the other 99% must be forced to do something against their will to appease the minority. Another phrase we learned was "The greatest good for the greatest number of people". We do not crap all over the mass majority in order to make happy, those that are not only a major minority, but do not give a crap about our rights.

    It went from tolerate us, to accept us, to now if we do not promote their lifestyle with glee, we are to be the govt. I never cared about trans or gay or whatever anyone. But lately, I am starting to resent them greatly. I believe in live and let live and didn't care what others did. But it appears they do not feel the same way. I am not allowed to live my life as I want.

    1. Like Rush used to say, there is no constitutional amendment protecting one's right to not be offended.

  4. Simplify things. Pass a law saying the students, both boys and girls, will only be addressed as the gender inclusive: Maggot

  5. Oh my, what delicate creatures.


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