
Friday, May 05, 2023

Let's see him try that with that asshole dog Jack

RALEIGH, N.C. - A man in North Carolina was arrested after he allegedly participated in sex acts with a dog. 

The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office said it received information on April 12 concerning a resident who was allegedly participating in sexual activities with an animal, according to WBTV.


  1. In Canaduh, Justin Trudeau and his Libs made beastiality legal.
    His gubmint has been screwing the pooch ever since.

  2. Beastiality is still illegal.
    That is news.
    Good news for that asshole dog Jack. Visiting Raleigh might be okay.

  3. Sexually assaulting an animal should result in getting it bitten off by said animal.
    Just like any other rape.
    "Was the dog male or female?"
    "Female, of course! What do you think I am, a queer?"


    1. Actually, a dog is always male. A female canine is known as a "bitch."

  4. Monroe County, PA circa 1988. We just had the 2nd kid & the small house was getting crowded with 4 Dobermans (Ma, Pa, & 2 of their puppies) & 4 people. We kept my dog. The puppies sold quickly, but the bitch was a little too high strung for most people, so we put a free to good home ad in the paper. A fellow named Darby Eckhart came to see the dog. He seemd OK & said he "got along well with problem dogs". About a year later there was an article in the paper about a local guy who got busted for taking free dogs, chaining them to trees, starving them to death while fucking them. It was old Darby. I wonder if he got out of prison alive? May he rest in hell.

    1. 20 years after the fact he was still at it. Think of all the animals he harmed during that period.

      the legal battle surrounding the Almost Heaven Kennel in Upper Milford Township continued in 2009. In June, 250 dogs were removed from Almost Heaven by the US Humane Society and State Department of Agriculture officials. This, after owner Derby Eckhart pled not guilty to charges of animal cruelty in January, and was subsequently denied his license renewal. Eckhart's trial is now scheduled for March.

  5. This was in China Grove, NC, down the road from me a bit. The only good news out of this is that the local paper, Salisbury Post, noted reports indicate the perv was on the receiving end of the sex acts, rather than the dog. I see he's made the Fox, New York Post, and The Sun's digital reporting also. The door to any life in civil society is closed for the rest of his life.


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