
Monday, May 01, 2023

San Francisco repealing boycott of anti-LGBT states and California may do the same

San Francisco is repealing a ban on city-funded travel to 30 states that it says restrict abortion, voting and LGBTQ rights after determining the boycott is doing more harm than good.

The Board of Supervisors voted 7-4 on Tuesday to repeal a section of the city's administrative code that prohibits staff from visiting and city departments from contracting with companies headquartered in the states, which include Texas, Florida and Ohio.

California, meanwhile, is considering the repeal of a similar law.


Seriously, what good did they think it would do? It damned sure didn't do the rest of us any harm, nor did it affect our economy one bit. All it did was keep the rainbow people out of our States - except Newsom. Apparently the ban didn't apply to him as evidenced by his 'red state tour'.


  1. This is so that the commie in chief newsome can travel to these states on CA's dime for campaigning.

  2. Fucking leftists never learn....

    1. They learn, but they never admit they do.

    2. If they learned, their behavior would change. It doesn't, hence, they don't learn.

  3. Deeply held beliefs, when convenient.

  4. In other California news, the Air Resources Board used data from two Chinese studies on air pollution and mortality in making the decision to end the sale of diesel trucks in the state by 2036.

    And if 'elected' in 2024, Gavie's EPA will make it a national mandate, by following the Chinese science.

  5. I used to wonder what those assholes thought. Then I realized they are not capable of thought.

    1. They don't have to think. Xi Jinping's Central Planners tell them what to think and what to say.
      That would be the same people who write Xiden's crib notes for him.

  6. San Mateo County: Another hellhole we red-staters can ship our rejects to. This is good news actually.

  7. Now would be an excellent time for those States listed on Kalifornia's travel ban to ban travel from Kalifornia. Fuhque, bluetards!

  8. But will the boycotted states choose to do business with San Fran? Kinda like a Bud Lite thing would be needed...just sayin'

  9. I remember when the NAACP boycotted South Carolina over the confederate flag at the statehouse. We completely forgot about the boycott until it was reported in the newspaper that they rescinded it.

    The flag was put atop the statehouse via legislation signed by then Democrat Governor Ernest "Fritz" Hollings who also happened to be Lindsey Graham's original mentor.

    - WDS

  10. Shit. That means San Fransickos can are now free to infect normal cities.


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