
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

San Francisco's Got Problems. There's No Need To Exaggerate Them for Political Reasons.

To hear conservatives describe the state of affairs in San Francisco, you'd think the City by the Bay is a harrowing dystopia along the lines of San Salvador, Juarez, St. Louis or Detroit. I can't tell you how many people have warned me against spending time there—or talked about the "poop app" that helps visitors avoid human feces on the sidewalks.

"San Francisco is sunk in a rancid drug-ravaged pit of human misery and city leaders have no idea how to pull themselves out of it," wrote David Marcus in his Fox News column last year. He knows why: "(B)ecause the progressive lunatics running the city believe that every criminal is a victim."



The author goes on to list only a few reasons that San Francisco is so fucked up and then says it's not that bad.
Well, neither is the clap - it only burns when you piss.


  1. People around Portland have been saying the same for a while.

    "It’s not as bad as they say'

    "No Felicia, it's worse!"

  2. Everything is relative. If you be black in SF the coming millions of dollars windfall will not only enspire you to vote for Democrats, it'll allow you to ignore the shithole

    1. It’s not that blacks ignore shitholes.
      They make them. Everything they touch crumbles to ruin and dust

  3. Mark my words, next they'll say it is your privilege and/or bigotry showing if you complain about the crime, violence, and filth.

    Let's see how much a criminal is a victim when they rob or kill a politician.

  4. This sounds a lot like "Fiery but mostly peaceful."

  5. city leaders have no idea You had me at no idea.

  6. Here's the thing: I live in a major American city, albeit not one of the worst. Still we definitely have a crime problem. However, I am fortunate enough to live in a "bubble area". We are in a nice urban island bordered by major highways forming a triangle. Inside the triangle, it's really nice, with libraries and parks and a nice shopping environment. Oh, and a well funded little police force. The worker bees all live outside the triangle and it's a jungle out there. The crime map difference is dramatic. I suspect the SF writer lives in such a bubble, and thus is blind to the reality of the rest of the city.

    1. Are you sure you're not in some sort of alternate universe space-time bubble?

    2. Had a visitor come out to California about 8 years ago. She wanted to go to SF. One of the first things we happened upon was the nude bikers. I decided that I am refusing to go there except for medical reasons (i.e. UCSF).

      I've always wondered what the bike seats looked like after pedaling around the city all day.

    3. Great! Now, 'Fat Bottom Girls' is gonna be playing in my head for the next couple of days.


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