
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

She really is that fucking stupid, isn't she?

Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is not too thrilled about an obvious parody account of her going viral on Twitter and said on Tuesday that she was working with her team to figure out steps on how to move forward. 

AOC wrote about the "issue" in a Twitter post, insinuating that her followers wouldn't be able to determine on their own accord that the parody impersonation account titled, "Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody)" is in fact, a parody.


  1. Just imagine the intellectual prowess of those in the electorate that placed her into that position and one will begin to understand the state of this once great nation.

    TMF Bert

    1. You're assuming the electorate had anything at all to do with placing her in that position. These days you can't assume that about any elected official at any level.

      John G.

    2. Less than 17,000 voters gave her the Congressional seat. That's how many voted for her in her first Democrat primary, in a district where a Democrat could rape and eat ate babies on the 6 o'clock news and still get more votes than any Republican.

  2. I see her point. If not for the word "parody" it would be easy to confuse the two.

  3. Pure GOLD!!!!!
    As one twat commented, the fact that it is difficult to tell one of her real statements from one made by the paradoy account, should be getting all the attention.
    Further highlights how our 'representatives' are completely disconnected from reality.
    The few politicians that rattle everyones cages (like Cruz, Paul, etc.) and garner so much popular support, obviously get outside the echo chamber from time to time.

  4. LOL, worth reading the article!

  5. Mentally AOC is right up there with Pancake face Swift, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Lesbian porn video staring both of them. It'd be like watching an XXX version of Laverne & Shirley.

  6. She has nice boobs and ass, but that's about it!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. I’d hit it.

    2. So would I, with a baseball bat, or a mace, or a clue x four...

    3. It depends. Would she let me duct tape her mouth?

  7. IIRC the democrats did an "electability talent search", and she won. No Intelligence or experience, just a porkable Latina. I agree with pancake face aoc porno.

  8. Somebody should read and explain the First Amendment to her.

  9. I read that one "moving forward" possibility that she and her team (insert eye roll here) are considering is for her to take her non-checkmark self off twitter entirely. I've never been a part of social media at all, ever, but if I was I would have one very simple comment: Bye.

  10. Using what is for her and her audience a BIG word: THINK. She 'thinks' that her audience won't understand it is a parody when it says 'parody'. That's how she 'thinks' of her audience.

  11. She's right. Her followers will probably have trouble telling the difference. Guess what that says about her followers.


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