
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

She's sniveling over a measly 8000 illegals?

CHICAGO - Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, on Tuesday, declared a state of emergency in response to the influx of migrants who have arrived to the city from the southern border in recent weeks. 

Since last August, more than 8,000 migrants have been sent to Chicago from Texas, according to the mayor's office.


  1. It is extremely telling - in the emperor has no clothes kinda way - the politicians response to a small problem of a handful of cultural enrichers.
    Everyone is seeing them for the hypocrites they are as a result. Its beautiful!

  2. What!?! Is she against having minorities move to her city? That's racist! She should live by the same rules cities in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas must have to deal with EVERY FUCKING DAY, thanks to the empty suit in the Whit House!

  3. If she don't want them, just forward them to another sanctuary city, like NYFC!

  4. When you look at the total numbers, wouldn't those 8,000 incoming illegals offset the number of dark skinned individuals that have been killed by other dark skinned individuals in Shitcongo?

  5. So, the extreme violence, carjackings and thievery that they've been experiencing in ever growing numbers was what? An inconvenience? These new 8,000 residents are probably the most law abiding they've seen in years!

  6. If they was all Watusis or Zulus Groat might be a little less vehement in her diatribe


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