
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Slip-n-Slide for grown-ups

LAWRENCE COUNTY, Ala. — An Alabama couple is accused of dumping 500 gallons of oil on 33 miles of roads across two counties, authorities said.

Keith Allen Clarke and Laura E. Clarke were arrested on Monday, according to Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office online booking records. Both were charged with criminal littering and criminal mischief, online records show.


Shit, had this happened in California they'd have been charged with eco-terrorism or something along those lines.


  1. Used to do this all the time back on the farm....

  2. 50 years ago in California if you lived on a dirt road it was called 'dust control'. And that's a fact.

    1. Or sprayed along fence lines and posts to keep the weeds down.

    2. When I was a kid in Northern Wisconsin (1970's) the town had sprayer trucks and used to spray the dirt roads down with used oil.

  3. The county spread oil and sand on some of the roads down here? Its a maintenance measure.

    1. called it chip sealing in MN... heavy oil/tar then gravel a bit bigger than chicken grit.
      They'd come back in a couple weeks and sweep up the loose gravel.

  4. we had a guy like that around here. he got paid to collect and properly dispose of waste oil from small shops, but when his tank was full he'd crack the drain tap and drive around in the countryside until it emptied out. i don't know if he ever got caught or not. he did get nailed for tossing tires though.

  5. You get oil from the ground, but if you put it back it's pollution.....right.

  6. That was a great way to keep the dust down in Wyoming too. I remember the county spraying it on the roads all over.
    Plus. Spray it on any wood to stain and protect it just like, well, oil based stain. Used motor oil makes a nice brown stain. Lots of utube videos on how to.

  7. Reminds me of an incident in the hills above San Jose in the early 80's, where someone, who hated the motorcycles that frequented the peninsula twisty roads, poured a couple cans of motor oil in a corner. LEO's were called, but I don't know what turned up.
    Which brings to mind a similar incident where someone strung a rope between trees across the same road, with the intent of decapitating a bike rider. What they collected was the lightbar on a LEO's patrol car. Again, no story on that. I suspect that the investigation was kept quiet, since there would have been retaliation from the large number of bikers that frequented those roads.

  8. Dust control, but 500 gallons would hardly treat 33 miles.

  9. IIRC, the problem isn't the oil, it's the metals in the used oil in picks up from a running engine. OTOH, I don't know why iron would be a problem, and it's not like we have leaded gasoline anyway, so maybe the excessive regulations are a holdover from the era when used engine oil had a lot of lead in it? idk.

    John G.

  10. Shit Kenny, the Eco terrorists in Cali wouldn't even have been arrested.


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