
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Such a bad boy/girl/whatever

ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND — Sam Brinton, the “nonbinary” activist tapped by Joe Biden for a key nuclear role before he was fired for stealing women’s clothes, was arrested again Wednesday night as a “fugitive from justice” for allegedly stealing luggage, The Daily Wire has learned.


  1. To stay out of prison the judge should offer the option to join the military, he'll fit right with today's Navy, Chair/Space Force, Army or Marines.

    1. A faggot in jail is like a fat kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet

  2. Its a disease, a disability, its not their fault.

    1. So don't place them in positions where their disability is endorsed and they are allowed to treat the rest of us with contempt.

    2. Strapped to the wheel in the blazing sun for a year will straighten that "disability" right out. Now go stand in the corner til you figure out how to conduct yourself properly.

    3. This “disease,” at least in Brinton’s case, demands euthanasia.

  3. How fucked up is it that even the police, when referring to the psychopath, use "they". I guess orders come down from the political appointees that if you want to keep your job, don't use the wrong pronouns. Morbark time.

    1. Is it the police or the author of the article. I doubt the police are that politically correct. There's a lot of that effed up pronoun use going on in what passes for "journalism" these days. Why one might think that there was some kind of conspiracy or .gov instruction on dieversity(SP intentional) and inclusion going on to further brainwash the sheeple and/or further piss off the normies.

      Eff them and their pronouns. Remember the commie playbook. Change the language and meaning of individual words to sow confusion amongst the sheeple and to piss off the rest.

      Back in 80's, when all of this boolshit first started gaining traction in corporate America, they called it "valuing differences". I had to attend one or two of those mandatory indoctrination sessions. Pissed me off then and still pisses me off. This shit isn't going to end well, for them.

      Morbark, Morbark, wherefore art thou Morbark.


  4. Space Force needs a volunteer to rocket into the Sun. For scientific purposes. I volunteer "It"
    Frank G

  5. It's almost like Body Dysmorphia is a mental disorder...

  6. Back in the '70's they said Weed would turn you into one of those. Skip forward to 2020, Liberalism is what turns you into them.

    1. Funny, I smoked tons of weed that whole decade and I never heard that. Mostly, the 2 or 3 fags in the US stayed in the closet and if they came out they got curb stomped but good.

  7. Lesson learned...

    Don't name your boy Otis .


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