
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Tennessee 'teen' pepper-sprays teacher after her phone is confiscated

A Tennessee high school teacher was pepper-sprayed twice by an unruly student who became incensed after he confiscated her phone during class, new video shows.

Dramatic cellphone footage taken during class Friday at Antioch High School captured the rambunctious student confronting her teacher after her phone was taken away as a disciplinary action.


  1. Fucking animals!

  2. wasnt their a film the blackboard jungle? or have classes these days morphed into a zoo?

    1. There was, way back in the 1950's. An out-of-control gang-ridden school was a strange idea to most people back then...

  3. Where would we be without diversity…

    1. Colonizing Mars? Curing cancer? Cold fusion?

  4. I was a teacher. I retired from the fire department in 2011, and became a teacher two years later. We have a system here in Florida that teachers get observed and evaluated. That evaluation determines whether or not you have a job next year.

    During an evaluation, the principal told me that she had observed a student using a phone while hiding behind his textbook. I was told to enforce school policy, which was to take the phone and send it to the office. The student would have to go to the office after school and accept discipline to get the phone back.

    So the next day, I told the class that I was being forced to enforce the policy. Most of the class put phones away. There were still a couple I saw with phones out, so I gave a second warning. All but one student put them away. When I saw him texting, I took the phone. Half an hour later, the class went to lunch. The student whose phone was taken stayed behind. I didn't know he was there, until he jumped me from behind.

    I managed to subdue him and call for help. It was his word against mine. He said that all he was doing was asking for his phone back, and I jumped him for no reason. I was suspended with pay for the investigation that followed. After two months of being suspended, I was told that I could keep my job if I agreed to a two day suspension without pay, and attended anger management classes. I quit instead.

    I now work as a nurse, and won't teach again. Some of those kids are evil, violent little monsters.

    1. From what I have experienced, being a medic or nurse can be just as risky. Be safe!

    2. I've been attacked a couple of times since. I get threatened almost daily. At least I don't get fired for fighting back. (although I did get suspended without pay once when a patient filed a criminal complaint against me. as soon as the cops cleared me, I went back to work)

    3. Divemedic, please don't guve up on your blog!

    4. Not going anywhere. Just needed a break. Too many chest thumpers out there, insisting that other people need to start shooting Feds from the safety of their keyboard. Gets on your nerves after awhile.

    5. I feel ya on that one. It does get old.
      I take 2 weeks a year off, the first week of July and the last week of December for my break.

    6. Medic, please don't give up. I'm just glad your admin let's you defend yourself. Ours, not at all. I could deal with getting boob grabbed and occasionally bodyslammed, when I was supported by security and mgt. It was just too demoralizing to be hung out to dry and mgt doing nothing to defend us. Trying to find a more humane environment now. Needed some time to stare at the walls, so I get your need for a break. Looking forward to when you're ready to write again.

  5. Cell phones should not be allowed in school.

    1. All Cellphones are the work of the devil. They are an addictive drug far worse than Fentynal. Fentynal merely kills you once, but these phones control you for fucking ever.

    2. Phones themselves? No. I turned my daughter's smart phone into a dumb phone. The hardest part was removing google play and some of the other built-in time wasters. No camera, no internet, no apps save for texting and calling. She ignores it most of the time, but still makes sure she's got it and it's charged when she's going somewhere or she's home watching the younger kids.

      OK, well she DOES have the contacts app and a piano tuner app on there. (She's learning an instrument.) Mostly because we would have otherwise had to buy a separate tuner device, and this way it's cheaper, much less likely to be lost, and doesn't eat batteries.

      We'd done the same with an MP3 player app and an audiobook app, but quickly took those off again.

      I count it as a success.

      -John G.

    3. Respectfully, How many parents are as conscientious as you John. I rest my case.

  6. Very sad to see the weaponization of this generation, this kid is another fine example of failed adults in her life and a failed society teaching these kids it's ok to "act out" (For justice ya know...). However, it is raycist for me to point this observation out...

    Unfortunately, this behavior will just lead to more grief and sorrow as these self-victimized animals are taught, quite pointedly, how to live amongst polite society.

    Guess the Chinese or the Democrats or evil socialist teachers or whomever that has weaponized our kids, continues to win... I doubt this effect could be reversed, even if there were willing people on both sides of life.

    -Hosedragger in Tx

  7. Cell blocker in school buildings, since they don't want to actually solve the real problem.
    Steve S6

  8. "rambunctious student"? Uncaged feral lifeform is more like it..

  9. Exactly. Jammers in every school for all cell phones. There's no need for them there and all they do is inspire the thugs to get filmed getting away with the most vile and pointless things possible.

    1. Jammers will be ruled unconstitution because it denies the little savages their 1st amendment right.

  10. Reported as second time the teach was assaulted in that same skool. Teach should sue the district for creating a hostile work environment and failure to provide a safe work space. Granted teach would never work as a teacher again, but who'd want to?

  11. There are so many things I want to say, but none of them very helpful. It's just sad to a teacher doing the right thing, getting assaulted, and knowing he'll prolly be fired or reprimanded.

    Society circling the drain...

  12. Be a little careful about blaming the gadgets. Every new gadget gets blamed like this; in my day it was television. I could (unfortunately) prove it too, by keeping a chart of my position in class. It dropped off sharply when we got one - but then, slowly, picked back up.

    In this case the problem is - as others have pointed out - bad upbringing. No doubt the school system itself is at fault to some extent by letting this girl get away with things in the past; she should never have reached that age believing it was OK to attack a teacher. Basically she needed spanking ten years ago - and those that blame corporal punishment for society's ills need their noses rubbing, repeatedly, in the results.

  13. I saw a comment the other day to the effect that people are color-coded by danger level.
    Just thought it beared repeating.


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