
Friday, May 26, 2023

That's some gypsy shit right there

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WXTV) — Two women are caught in Franklin, Tennessee with tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise on them and in their car. 

Security at Franklin Kohl's on Tuesday afternoon recognized two suspected organized criminals inside the store from an online retail theft information-sharing system, according to Franklin police. An agent notified a Franklin police flex team officer that the women were concealing "massive" amounts of merchandise under their skirts.


  1. We need to start profiling these Amish people wherever they go....

  2. And will someone please get a search warrant for their residence before the rest of the gang gets everything moved to their storage facility?

  3. u.s. immigration picked one up? you'll never see her in court. she'll be on the street before lunch..

  4. The Roumanian names are a giveaway. If they're ripping off the US it's two who aren't ripping off Britain! It leaves hundreds, but we're used to it.

  5. Ladies you were in the wrong state. California is the land of milk and honey for free shopping.

  6. #Gypsies, tramps, and thieves#

  7. And importing more (of various verities)as fast as we can.


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