
Monday, May 08, 2023

The financial sense of a two year old

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California's complicated budget outlook may face even more challenges outside of the state's control, with financial risks fermenting at the national level.


Palmer confirmed on Wednesday the state's budget deficit is inching closer to about $30 billion. In January, Gov. Newsom pegged the projected shortfall at $22.5 billion. According to the latest data from March, state revenue is down an additional $4.7 billion.

Yet even with all that, this is still on the table:

The State of California is one step closer to paying reparations to Black residents whose ancestry goes back to the American slave trade.

The California Reparations Task Force released estimates, as well as breakdowns of the methodology used to determine the amounts, on Monday ahead of a critical vote that will take place later this week.


  1. I think that on a Federal level the actual US should just financially divorce ourselves from Commiefornia. Just don't bother collecting another dime and don't send 'em nothing either.

  2. Dat's rayciss! As a white boy, I wants me some of dem reparashuns!

  3. Univ of Saigon 68May 8, 2023 at 11:27 AM

    Oh please, pass the bill. Bring it on. I will love to just sit here and see watch happens.

  4. Fracking commie libturds we have for gummint in mexafornia.
    Any who, have a Merry Mother's Day out there ladies.
    Thanks for letting me comment.

  5. White flight from the state will increase, and be offset by the Blacks moving there for free money.

  6. Will those Reparations(TM) be in California Dollars?

  7. Where will they get the money to pay these BS reparations?

    1. ---someone else suggested they be paid in (calif.) lottery tickets...

  8. SteenkinggreengoMay 8, 2023 at 1:55 PM

    I-D-I-O-T-S! If this goes through, who is going to pick up my garbage?

  9. Since there were never any slaves in California the state needs to pay every ethnic group that were slaves. So add in the Jews, Irish, and Scottish.

    1. Don’t forget the Chinese and Native Americans.

  10. They'll end up paying out to a few favored Amish, then "run out of money" for any others, then ask the Feds (everyone in all the other states) to bail them out of their "We don't know what happened" financial crisis.

  11. That ought to give a real boost to the illegal drug and Cadillac markets in commiefornia.

  12. "Residents who can prove their ancestry back to the slave trade."

    These motherfuckers don't know their own father, nevermind 7 generations back! Nobody is getting paid.

  13. But wait there's more stupid.......

  14. Jeffery in AlabamaMay 8, 2023 at 7:08 PM

    I do not understand. The representatives of a government (Kalifornia) nor any of it's citizens were ever a slave, owned a slave, bought or sold a slave, etc. is wanting to take money they do not have and give it to people simply because they are black and their ancestors were supposedly slaves??????????? In the first place, this is complete BS, but should the liberal race-baiter- dividers get their way, the money collected from "pre-natal care" to this point forward by each potential recipient should be subtracted from any "payout". People should stop and think what the parallel universe/fate of these potential reparation recipients would have been had their ancestors not sold them to slave traders. Maybe they should be paying us to live here.

  15. Let me know when this becomes the law. I'll then start identifying as a black Kalifornian.

  16. Repatriations not reparations


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