
Thursday, May 04, 2023

The Michelle Obama Nightmare Scenario

All the attention is on the Republican race right now, but it should be on the Democrat race following the announcement, by that desiccated pervert masquerading as our president, that he thinks (sic) that he can go another round as president. The sad fact is the only people happy about Biden’s presidency are that very real doctor, Jill, and Jimmy Carter, who is serene in the knowledge that he was not the worst president of the last century thanks to Grandpa Badfinger.


  1. well, for one thing. Mike is too lazy to run- thank god ! as there are more than enough stupid
    people who would vote for that "person"
    besides, like obozo and dipshit now. it is not THEM doing things to the country. it is all of the little bastards in the background that are running shit into the ground.
    kind of funny that the same bunch of assholes that where with obozo are now back in the white house with dipshit ?
    I not all that sure we going to make it to the next "election" with the shit they doing now.
    just remember this, these fuckers want to RULE over us. not govern like we are setup to be. I am amazed how many people went along with the Virus crap. dave in pa.

  2. if the Socialist-Progressives don't put Da Mooch up for POTUS, I, for one, will be highly surprised.

    1. They want her. She would likely win (legitimately). She would be a nightmare. She absolutely wants the perks, but hates the responsibilities. I bet she refuses. I could be wrong, God help us if I am.

  3. FJB, he’s not the duly elected president!

  4. Michelle has never shown any interest in holding a job where she actually has to show up. Granted, joe is setting a new low standard for not being all there. The michelle ticket is just the idle imaginings by democratic party sycophants.

    1. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

      Around the same time Barry O. became a U.S. Senator, the lovely Michelle Obama was given a fantastic job (in name only) as Executive Director of Community Affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center, at an annual salary of $320,000 per year. That's around the same time I read her senior thesis, which was written just before she graduated cum laude from Princeton Unitersity. Her paper looked and read like it was written by a third grader. That's also around the same time I gave up all hope that the (Democrat controlled) system had any chance of survival.

      Now, fifteen years later, I have even less hope than I did back then. Lord help us.

  5. Mike the Moose for the "win."

  6. Michelle Obama might be The Donald's only hope. She's (I admit -- by merely the pen- of an umbra -- but still there) not... quite... as repellently awful as Hillary. But she's the best chance of the Republicans proving they -- and the filth of their loins -- love degenerate freaks (at least) as much as the Democrats. But *LeeEEeegallyyy*!

    1. Disagree. For the left, they would turn out in droves for her. For the mindless center, they would ignore facts. Our hope is that (IMO) she hates the responsibilities of the job and says no.

  7. The country we all knew and loved is gone. It's being proved daily. People we voted for to protect the Constitution are crooks themselves. The only ones with balls are being ignored by their own party. I'm glad I'm 77 and probably won't be around much longer but feel sorry for younger people. I wear a Trump hat every time I go out and people stop me and tell me that January 6th? Everyone should have gone armed. Fuck Joe Biden and everyone of his ilk.
    Fuck Pence also for not doing his job.

    1. I'm not far behind you in the checkout line. I feel the same as you and I fear that whoever is on the Dem ticket in 2024 will win. Those asshats aren't even acting like they care who you vote for since it doesn't matter anymore. -oldvet50

    2. Pence was in on the J6 scam.

  8. Women will vote for the "V" and line up in droves to prove they aren't racists voting for the wookie.

  9. Big Mike as a candidate is why there is this upswell of tanny "acceptance" and mikey will be their candidate as it would be racist AND transphobic to not vote for "it"

    1. You may or may not be correct, but what you say is plausible. That's how far we have fallen as a nation.

  10. Speaking of IT. IT's Mother that lived in the WH all eight years has not been mentioned in the press. She'd be the one to blow the whole charade to hell.

  11. The Democrats figured out that it doesn't matter who they install in the role of POTUS. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

  12. Sorry, but Carter became second worst president when Obama was sworn in. Obama was the worst we have ever had until bozo Joe. So now, Biden worst, Obama second worst, Carter a distant third worst. And that's a fact.

  13. Obama may be the first five-term president.

  14. Mike being installed in office will be the trigger ... if something else doesn't start things off sooner. Not that I really expect any 2024 elections.

  15. The democrats can run any piece of schiff they want to run and they will win. If you think otherwise your head is in the sand. First. Supreme court could not give a shit. That is already shown. Then you have all the states that have mail-in voting. Thats all fraud after the real voters have voted. Wisconsin has republican Vos who will make a democrat win. AZ will have a democrat win. Their cheating was in your face for 2022. GOP Ronna romney is a complete ass wipe. Georgia has kemp who will guarantee a demecrat win. Michigan and Pennsylvania will go democrat with their cheating. All those states supreme courts and federal judges are more corrupt than the politician. DOJ and FBI dont rate as high as a joke. Those people freakin hate this country. They can run hillary or bernie and win.

    1. Everything you said is true, and it was all baked in when Trump won in '16. Killary and her team were so sure he would lose in a landslide they made no preparations for a steal; everything since then is the Demofascists making sure '16 will never repeat itself, no matter who is the GOP candidate.

  16. Start investigating her birth certificate now. And those of her two kids. See what you find.

    1. You mean her pedigree papers! They only issue Birth Certificates to people.


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