
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Build The Resources Then Build The Life

 Instead of looking at where we want to go, what we want to be, or what we want to do, and shrugging and saying “I just don’t have the resources for that”, we should go through the effort and the time of creating the resources. And then, once we have the resources that we have created, we can apply those resources to the life that we want. And this has very little to do with money.

VIDEO HERE  (20:43 minutes)


  1. The best thing an individual can do for family and country is present them with an improved individual. That improved individual is then capable of supporting himself and those they are responsible for and typically generates surplus. Surplus can be used to help others once your needs are met. This is how societies prosper. No government needed for this and the presence of government inhibits this by plundering the surplus.

  2. The only people who say resources have nothing to do with money have lots of money. In our society it is not possible to have plentiful resources without money. That is reality.

  3. For the last 30 + years, I've enjoyed downsizing. When you die, you take no earthly belongings with you. Why spend your whole life gaining inanimate objects all your life ? You can't and won't take them with you.
    Look for things that are satisfying, and produce good will between you and those around you.

    1. But leave enough to help those loved ones left behind.

  4. Unfortunately, too many people copy governments 'squandering resources' model.



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