
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Cinco nutria tacos, por favor

A large, orange-toothed rodent is invading California. 

The rodents are called nutria, which are large, semi-aquatic creatures that feed on plants that hold wetland soil together, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.


  1. We had nutria here on Maryland's 'Eastern Shore', tearing up the marshes. We completely wiped them out with trapping, sport shooting and bounties. Those bleeding heart, liberal,commie fags in California will probably never get rid of them.

  2. Be advised, nutria meat tastes like crap.

  3. Ever notice that politicians have the same effect on our country and also are inedible?

    1. I disagree. It's all about the slow cook.

    2. Depends on how you field dress them....

    3. Or how long you marinate em!

  4. Hunter Biden offspring, I can tell by looking at the teeth.

  5. You can't just throw some on BBQ sauce and grill them, rodent meat takes some massaging. Soak the meat in milk for a night, then dry age it in the fridge, or if you are lazy (like me) freeze it overnight so the ice expansion breaks down the fibers. Then you can cook it in a sauce, like if you were making a pot roast; potatoes, carrots, onions in a roux.
    When it is fully cooked, throw it in the trash. You don't want to eat river rat, ever.

    1. Unclezip is Pointing@LaughingJune 14, 2023 at 11:43 AM

      Just run it through end-to-end with a stick ( apple or apricot) and slow cook over a fruit wood fire. The dogs will thank you.

  6. And Kalifornia will make them a protected species and fine anyone who has the audacity to kill one of them.

  7. In Louisiana they tried to make a dent in their nutria problem by getting people to eat them, without success because they're just nasty. When you can't get coonasses to eat something you know it's bad.

    1. I lived just outside of New Orleans back in the early 90's and I remember the govt campaign to convince people to eat nutria. And I remember talking to people who ate coon and possum say no way were they eating that shit. They'd shoot and skin 'em if the hide was worth anything, but other than that they'd throw the dead bodies back in the bayou for the alligators to eat.

  8. Louisiana had a contest for recipes to cook these things....I never heard anybody say they actually liked the critters on the table....but then again, they eat Crawfish in Lousiana....alright, I do too....Crawfish etouffe` over rice in a gumbo with Tiger sauce has to be one of the finest meals I ever had...."It's all in the rue"....

  9. No doubt Navin Gruesome will figure out how to get these new immigrant nutriam registered to vote.

  10. Shooting nutria with an AR from the bow of a moving boat, man that was some fun shit.

    1. @Saber 7: We used archery gear, running a small boat through the creeks during a sunny day in winter. They sit on the banks, freezing their asses off (literally; tails get frostbit here), huddled in the sun - easy targets and the bows were quiet as to not spook the nutria around the next bend. Aluminum arrows float...

  11. I'm sure California's solution at best will be ineffective. I wonder if mountain lions will eat them?

    1. Fish and Game has an eradication program where they'll send two biologists to survey and trap the entire colony or you can shoot them yourself if they're on your property. I didn't see where they even require a hunting license to do it, which is required with coyotes. I think there's a $5 bounty when you turn in 7" of tail.

  12. Miniature Capybara ? People eat them in China. I've seen them alive in restaurants where they have what is on the menu in cages and tanks, so you know it is "fresh".

    So have The Big Guy let the Chinese illegally crossing the border know where they are, problem solved.

  13. They've been in Oregon for decades. Don't shoot and miss, as they tend to be ill-tempered.

  14. 40yrs ago waterfowl hunting in Mobile Bay a few came through the marsh I was in & scared the heck out of me, had never heard of them. Now I carry a little something for them.

  15. Nutria are inedible by humans, disdained by dogs. Pelts are useless for fur. Buddy of mine caught a record alligator gar using portions for bait. Suppose that teh wholes ones might be useful for 'gator. You DO know that to legally take 'gators in Texas and Louisiana, you have to hook 'em first, and then dispatch 'em with no more than a .22 caliber bullet, right?

  16. One wonders why they're called Nutria, as they don't seem to be nutricious.

  17. Nutria are nearly blind, I walk right up to them.
    Within punting distance, they suddenly go 'Godzilla'.
    Sure, good luck with that, rodent.
    One day, a nutria we call 'hillary' got too close to the dogs, so I bopped its snoot with a handy tree-root.
    Wobbly, hillary trundled off for a nap.
    After hillary enjoyed a few hours sun-bathing, the local buzzard we call 'pelosi' stopped by for a snack.
    Apparently, hillary was OK with that.


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